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 News Reporter - Regulament

In jos 

Mesaje : 107
Data de înscriere : 05/05/2012
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Pe Sa:Mp

News Reporter - Regulament Empty
MesajSubiect: News Reporter - Regulament   News Reporter - Regulament EmptyDum Mai 06, 2012 7:16 am

Inainte sa aplicati pentru News Reporter sunteti obligati sa cititi topicul "News Reporter - Informatii" pentru mai multe detalii despre anunturi, interviuri, rank-uri, comenzi si cerinte pentru admitere.

1. Van-urile factiunii
Nu luati van fara sa cereti voie. Puteti lua van doar cu aprobarea unui rank 4+.
Daca trece 1 minut si nu ati primit raspuns de la un rank 4, puteti lua un van, cu conditia sa anuntati cand un rank 4 vine.
In cazul in care luati un van fara sa cereti voie si sunteti prinsi veti plati o amenda de $100.000 liderului.
Este de preferat ca atunci cand luati van sa fiti doi in el.
Nu folositi News Van-urile in scopuri personale, se sanctioneaza cu FW.
Nu lasati masinile abandonate, sunteti obligati sa le aduceti inapoi la HQ sau sa le explodati. Cine abandoneaza van-urile si va fi prins risca demiterea din News Reporter.
Cand se aduce van-ul la HQ se verifica nivelul de FUEL, daca acesta este sub 30% se face un FILL, pentru ca urmatorul care il foloseste sa nu aiba probeleme.
Masinile personale sa nu fie parcate in locurile unde isi dau respawn van-urile.

2. Job-uri
Nu aveti voie sa detineti job-uri ilegale (Arms Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Car Jacker, Whore etc.).
Aveti voie cu orice job legal. Doar cei din echipa de mecanici au obligatia sa aiba job-ul specific.

3. Ziare
Inainte sa faceti un ziar aveti nevoie de aprobarea unui rank 4+.
Inainte sa vindeti ziarul redactat trebuie sa cereti aprobarea unui rank 4+.
In cazul in care ati gresit un cuvant, o cratima, veti anunta ca ati gresit un ziar (si numarul ziarului) urmand ca ziarul sa fie facut din nou, de aceasta data corect.

4. Anunturi gratuite/RP
Anunturile date trebuie sa fie RP, adica acestea trebuie sa fie strict legate de joc si de ceea ce se intampla important pe server, acestea trebuie sa fie cat mai complexe. ( Ex: "Banca din Los Santos a fost sparta, politia este pe urmele faptasilor!" sau "Liderul Familiei Paterno a fost arestat in urma actiunilor sale ilegale.").
Fara newsuri scurte, Ex: La gara este liniste; La four dragons este liniste; se publica anunturi doar cu ceea ce merita stiut, incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.
Anunturile trebuie date de catre noi, nu de catre playeri, asta inseamna ca nu vom mai da anunturi de genul "x vinde masina" sau "x cumpara casa", pentru asta exista [/ad] la CNN.
Aveti voie sa dati anunturi cu "x vinde ..." doar 5/10 minute dupa payday, dupa aceste 5/10 minute revenim la normal cu news-uri RP.
Anunturile gratuite sunt de 5 si 10 minute. Cele de 10 minute sunt publicate intre orele 11:00 - 22:00 (inclusiv), in rest se vor publica cate 5 minute.
Inainte de PayDay, mai exact la xx:55 un rank 4+ va alege 4 persoane, respectiv 3 care sa dea anunturi gratuite.
Cel care da startul are obligatia sa isi puna numarul lui primul.
Daca pana la si xx:58 un rank 4+ nu a ales persoanele care trebuie sa publice anunturi gratuite un rank 3 sau 2 in functie de caz va alege.
Este necesar sa fie respectat numarul de reporteri care publica anunturi gratuite in functie de durata lor. 5 minute de anunturi gratuite - vor fi 4 reporteri desemnati sa publice anunturi gratuite; 10 minute de anunturi gratuite - vor fi 3 reporteri desemnati sa publice anunturi gratuite.
Reporterul desemnat sa dea startul si stopul are obligatia sa intrebe numerele celorlalti reporteri care publica anunturi gratuite la xx:59.
Cei care publica anunturi gratuite au obligatia sa scrie numarul celui care cere anuntul in felul urmator, [/sms xxx-xxxx]. Liniuta este obligatorie, pentru a evita confuziile. Incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.
Cine nu este AFK (rank 1 si 2) inaintea celor 5 minute de anunturi gratuite si nu se ofera sa publice anunturi este sanctionat cu FW, daca persoana care nu se ofera este in teste va fi sanctionat suplimentar cu un avertisment la teste.
Cel ales sa dea start-ul are responsabilitatea sa dea si stop-ul, plus sa anunte pe /f ca anunturile s-au terminat.
Tot cel care da start are responsabilitatea, sa publice si numerele celorlalti membrii care dau anunturi. Este obligatoriu sa publicati anuntul dupa urmatorul model: Au inceput anunturile gratuite [/sms xxx-xxxx]; [/sms xxx-xxxx]; [/sms xxx-xxxx]; [/sms xxx-xxxx]!
In cazul anunturilor de 10 minute se vor da doua start-uri. Adica, unul la xx:00 si inca unul la xx:05, urmand ca la xx:10 sa se dea stopul. Cel de al doilea start este dat tot de reporterul care a dat primul startul. Al doilea start trebuie sa arate in genul acesta: "Anunturile gratuite continua pana la si 10 [/sms xxx-xxxx]; [/sms xxx-xxxx]; [/sms xxx-xxxx].".
NU aveti voie sa dati anunturi cu "x vinde droguri, arme, etc". Incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.
Anunturile date in acest interval de timp trebuie sa arate in felul urmator, ex: "X vinde casa [/sms xxx-xxxx]", comanda trebuie pusa intre paranteze drepte [/comanda]; (/call,/sms,/service taxi,/service mechanic etc.), de asemenea sa se specifice numele celui care a dat anuntul. Incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.
Nu sunt permise prescurtarile in anunturi sau live (ex: v/s ; ptr. etc), incalcarea acestei reguli se sanctioneaza cu FW. Totusi, prescurtarile legate de locatii (LV; LS; SF etc) si cele legate de factiuni (HQ SI, FBI etc) sunt permise doar in timpul anunturilor gratuite!
Inaintea publicarii unui anunt RP se anunta pe /f, sunt cazuri in care se publica cate doua anunturi, vrem sa evitam asta.
In timpul live-ului/anunturilor gratuite este de preferat sa nu se vorbeasca pe /f, ca sa nu fie SPAM (este destul SPAM in timpul anunturilor gratuite pe /sms daca este si pe /f vor aparea numai probleme). Cine incalca aceasta regula cu nesimtire va fi sanctionat cu FW.
Nu folositi CAPS LOCK pe /f; /news; /live!
Scrieti spatiat, adica "Cuvant, cuvant. Cuvant, cuvant.". Cine este prins ca scrie asa "Cuvant,cuvant.Cuvant,cuvant." (adica fara spatiu intre virgula/punct si urmatorul cuvant) este sanctionat cu FW.
Nu faceti abuz de semne de punctuatie in anunturi sau live, ex: "!!!".
Nu scrieti in anunturile voastre sa intervina X sau Y, trebuie sa ne vedem doar de treaba noastra, daca este cazul factiunea care este "criticata" in anunt se va mobiliza singura, incalcarea acestei reguli duce la FW.
Dupa un live trebuie sa existe o pauza de 5 minute pana la news si invers.
Numele masinilor/locatiilor se scriu cu litera mare la inceputul cuvantului, incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.

5. Live
Membrii NR nu au voie sa participe in live ca invitati, reporterii prinsi ca iau live unui coleg (ori concurs de populoaritate) sunt sanctionati cu Rank Down si FW.
Se acorda LIVE doar jucatorilor care au facut cerere pe forum si le-a fost acceptata cererea. (mici exceptii)
Un live fara cerere poate sa fie facut doar cu aprobarea liderului. Iar live-ul sa fie unul important/amuzant.
Cine intreaba daca poate lua live lui x sau y (fara cerere acceptata) este sanctionat cu FW.
Nu sunt permise prescurtarile in anunturi sau live (ex: v/s ; ptr. etc), incalcarea acestei reguli se sanctioneaza cu FW.
In timpul live-ului/anunturilor gratuite este de preferat sa nu se vorbeasca pe /f, ca sa nu fie SPAM (este destul SPAM in timpul anunturilor gratuite pe /sms daca este si pe /f vor aparea numai probleme). Cine incalca aceasta regula cu nesimtire va fi sanctionat cu FW.
Nu folositi CAPS LOCK pe /f; /news; /live!
Scrieti spatiat, adica "Cuvant, cuvant. Cuvant, cuvant.". Cine este prins ca scrie asa "Cuvant,cuvant.Cuvant,cuvant." (adica fara spatiu intre virgula/punct si urmatorul cuvant) este sanctionat cu FW.
Nu faceti abuz de semne de punctuatie in anunturi sau live, ex: "!!!".
Dupa un news trebuie sa existe o pauza de 5 minute pana la live si invers.

6. Rob/Event-uri/Afaceri pe /f
Fara afaceri pe /f, se sanctioneaza cu FW.
NU aveti voie la event-uri fara aprobarea unui rank 4+, incalcarea acestei reguli duce la sanctionarea cu FW.
Cine doreste sa dea rob poate sa dea intre orele 22:00 - 09:00, cine incalca aceasta regula primeste FW.
Cine intra mai mult de 4.000 sec, in jail intre orele 09:00 - 22:00, o sa suporte o amenda de $400.000!

7. Ordine interioara
Nu aveti voie cu arme, decat SD-Pistol pentru protectie, cine incalca aceasta regula risca sa fie demis din News Reporter.
Inactivitatea neanuntata mai mare de 3 zile este pedepsita cu demiterea din News Reporter.
Nu aveti voie sa stati afk in fata usii HQ-ului nostru, adica pe ''i'', de asemenea acela va primi FW. In cazul in care perioada petrecuta pe "i" depaseste 1h, respectivul este demis din NR.
Nu aveti voie sa lipsiti la o sedinta fara a posta in topicul ''News Reporter - Invoiri sedinte'' in caz contrar veti fi pedepsiti cu FW + o amenda de $150.000.
Cand depuneti Cererea de Demisie, ganditi-va de doua ori, NU aveti voie sa retrageti cererea.
Skin-urile sunt asociate cu functia pe care o detineti in News Reporter, pentru mai multe informatii despre skin-uri sunteti rugati sa verificati topicul "News Reporter - Informatii".
Cine este prins cu skin-ul de CJ (skin 0) este sanctionat cu FW.
Cine este AFK in timpul sedintei primeste FW.
Cine foloseste comenzi indecente in timpul sedintei este sanctionat cu FW.
Cine injura si face DM(Death Match) va fi demis fara discutie din News Reporter!

8. Alte reguli:
Exista o perioada de teste (14 zile), acumularea a 2 FW-uri, duce la demiterea voastra din NR. La urmatoarea sedinta dupa incheierea celor 14 zile, aveti obligatia sa anuntati liderul/subliderul ca perioada voastra de teste s-a incheiat, acestia doi vor decide daca ati trecut sau nu perioada de teste.
Nu faceti glume proaste cu injuraturi sau insulte pe /f sau altundeva, cine incalca aceasta regula va fi sanctionat dur.
Elicopterul poate fi luat doar cu acordul liderului! Acesta se ia doar in cazuri exceptionale si doar dupa ce liderul aproba acest lucru. Liderul si subliderul pot lua elicopterul cand vor ei, dar sa anunte. Incalcarea acestei reguli duce la demiterea persoanei care o incalca, din News Reporter.


◇ Faction vans:
You can only take a news van with the approval of a rank 4+. If there isn’t one online, then you must wait 1 minute and announce a rank 4+ that you’ve taken it when / if he comes online.
In case you take a news van without permission and you get caught, you must pay a fine worth $100.000.
You can’t use the vans for your personal purpose. If you get caught doing that, you will receive a FW.
You can’t abandon the vans, once you’re done with them, you must bring them back to the HQ or blow them up. Whoever gets caught abandoning a news van will be dismissed from NR.
It is recommended that you check the fuel of the vans and fill them up in case they’re nearly empty.
Don’t park your personal vehicles in the van spawn spots.
◇ Jobs:
You can’t have an illegal job (Arms Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Car Jacker, Whore etc.).
You can have any legal job you want. Only the ones whom are part of the mechanic team need to have the mechanic job.
◇ Papers:
Before writing a newspaper you need the approval of a rank 4+.
Before selling a newspaper you need the approval of a rank 4+.
In case you’ve mistaken a word or a letter in a newspaper, you must announce a rank 4+ that you’ve mistaken it (along with the paper’s number) so he can delete it. After that you can rewrite it.
◇ Free news and RP (roleplay) news:
The news you are posting have to be roleplay. They must refer to what’s happening on the server and they must be true. They must be as complex as possible. (Ex. “The Paterno family leader has been arrested due to his illegal actions by the Los Santos Police Department.” or “The Los Santos Bank was robbed by a group of armed burglars a couple of minutes ago. The LSPD has gone after them.”).
You mustn’t post short news such as “The CNN Los Santos area is quiet, you may post a news.” Or “The Los Santos – Las Venturas highway is free, drive safely.”. Only what’s needed to be known will be posted, breaking this rule will result in a FW.
Free news (“X is selling …”; “Y is buying…” etc.) will be posted only 5 and 10 minutes after payday.
10 minutes free news will be posted between 11:00 – 22:00 (inclusive). Before 11:00 and after 22:00 will be only 5 minutes of free news.
At xx:55 a rank 4+ will choose 3 reporter (for 10 minutes of free news) or 4 reporters (for 5 minutes of free news) to publish the free news. If there is no rank 4+ online at that time to choose the reporters, a rank 3 or 2 will do it at xx:58.
The reporter choosed to give the “start” and “stop” of the free news must put his number first.
Before xx:59, the reporter chosen for the “start”/”stop” will ask the other chosen reporters for their numbers.
When publishing free news, the form “[/sms xxx-xxxx]” is necessary. The line between the number must not be forgotten aswell, breaking this rule will result in a FW.
If you are not AFK when the list of reporters to publish free news is made and you do not offer yourself, you will be punished with a FW. If you’re in the test period, you’ll be given a “test advertisment” aswell.
When publishing 10 minutes of free news, the reporter that gives the “start” must give a second “start” at xx:05. (Ex. “The free news session will continue until xx:10 [/sms xxx-xxx], [/sms xxx-xxxx], [/sms xxx-xxxx].”).
You cannot publish illegal news (Ex. “X is selling drugs”). Breaking this rule will result in a FW.
The name of the one whom sends you the news must be published aswell. Also, commands such as [/service taxi, /call, /sms, /service medic will be posted between brackets (Ex. “[/service taxi]”; “[/call]” etc.). Breaking this rule could result in a FW.
You may shorten the names of the locations (LS, SF, LV etc.) and the name of the factions (FBI, NR, PD etc.) ONLY when publishing free news. In RP news you must write them fully.
Before publishing a RP news you must announce on /f.
While there are free news or a live going on, SPAM on /f will be avoided. There is enough spam on [/sms] during those sessions, we must not harden the reporter’s job by adding some more spam to that. Whoever breaks this rule with no shame will receive a FW.
NO caps lock on /f, /live or /news !
Write with spaces: “Word, word. Word, word.” Not “Word,word.Word,word”. Whom is caught writing like that will receive a FW.
Do not make abuse of punctuation marks in your news or live.
Between a live and the next news there must be a 5 minutes break, so we won’t make spam on the server chat. The same goes between 2 news or between a news and a live.
Names of cars and locations will be written with capital letter (Ex. “Bravura”, “Los Santos”, “Pig Pen”, “Infernus” etc.). Breaking this rule results in a FW.
Abbreviations are not allowed when publishing news (Ex. “v/s”).
◇ Live:
News reporters cannot participate at a live or popularity contest as a guest, only as a reporter. If a reporter is caught taking a live to one of his collegues, he will be punished with rank down and FW.
Lives will be taken only to the players that made a live request on the forum and only if their live request was accepted (with small exceptions).
If you ask for permission to take a live to someone (without him having a request made) you will be punished with FW.
Abbreviations are not allowed in lives.
While there are free news or a live going on, SPAM on /f will be avoided. There is enough spam on [/sms] during those sessions, we must not harden the reporter’s job by adding some more spam to that. Whoever breaks this rule with no shame will receive a FW.
Write with spaces: “Word, word. Word, word.” Not “Word,word.Word,word”. Who is caught writing like that will receive a FW.
Do not make abuse of punctuation marks in your news or live.
Between a live and the next news there must be a 5 minutes break, so we won’t make spam on the server chat. The same goes between 2 news or between a news and a live.
◇ Rob/Events/Dealings on /f:
No dealings allowed on /f. In case of that, you are punished with FW.
You cannot take part in any event without the approval of a rank 4+. Breaking this rule results in a FW.
You can rob the bank only between 22:00 - 09:00. Whoever breaks this rules is punished with a FW.
Whoever goes to jail more than 4.000 seconds between 09:00 – 22:00 wil receive a fine of $400.000.
◇ Internal order:
The only weapon you are allowed to use is a SDPistol, only for protection. Breaking this rule results in being dismissed from NR.
Unannounced inactivity for more than 3 days results in dismission from News Reporter.
You cannot stay AFK in front of our HQ door or on the “I”. This results in a FW. If the AFK period goes over 1 hour, the punishment will be dismission from News Reporter.
If you are absent at a live simulation or a meeting without having a pass request made in the “News Reporter – Invoiri sedinte/simulari live” topic, you will be punished with a FW and a $150.000 fine.
When you want to post your dismission request, think twice. You cannot cancel it.
The News Reporter skins must be worn as posted in the information section.
Wearing the CJ skin (skin 0) results in a FW.
Being AFK during a NR meeting results in a FW.
Whoever insults a collegue, does DM or has any other misbehavior will be dismissed from NR without other commentaries.
◇ Other rules:
There is a 2 week trial period in NR. Receiving 2 FW in this period results in your dismission with max. FP. After your trial period expires, you must let the leader/subleader of the faction know about that.
Avoid making stupid jokes, especially on your faction collegues.
The NR helicopter can be taken only with the approval of the leader/subleader. The leader/subleader can take the helicopter whenever they want, with the condition of announcing this. Whoever breaks this rule will be punished with the dismission from News Reporter.
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News Reporter - Regulament
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