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 Regulament National Guard

In jos 

Mesaje : 107
Data de înscriere : 05/05/2012
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Pe Sa:Mp

Regulament National Guard Empty
MesajSubiect: Regulament National Guard   Regulament National Guard EmptyDum Mai 06, 2012 5:52 am

National Guard (NG) este armata, noi ne ocupam de wanted 3+ in special dar atunci cand in lista de wanted nu exista wanted 3+, avem dreptul sa ne ducem si dupa wanted 2 apoi dupa wanted 1!
* Reguli generale:

1) Respectati si ascultati mereu de lider si de membrii cu grad mai mare decat voi !
2) Nu cautati cearta, nu va dati in spectacol ( veti fi demis fara discutii ) !
3) Nu faceti DM aiurea, chiar daca va plictisiti, riscati sa fiti demisi !
4) Este permis drive-by kill insa doar ca pasager (H), pe suspecti de wanted 6, fara drept de predare. Soferii nu au voie sa faca drive-by kill. Cine ataca prin DB la om sau pune masina peste el si iese primeste faction warn !
• Este interzis pentru un National Guard sa faca drive-by cand in masina nu se afla soferul.

5) Nu abuzati de spray si /tazer, incercati sa omorati suspectul cu forta pe care o aveti, riscati scadere de rank !
• Aveti dreptul sa folositi de maxim 5 ori comanda /tazer pe acelasi jucator, intr-o urmarire.

6) Nu dati wanted cuiva mai mult decat merita, daca acesta va face reclamatie veti primi Faction Warn !
7) Daca sunteti injurat sau jignit, procedati prin a ii face reclamatie la sectiunea Plangeri (dupa model) !
Cool National Guard NU are voie sa dea /tconfiscate,/ticket,/frisk !
• Are voie sa dea /confiscate celor care intra in LSPD si fac vizita, la fel si daca un detinut are arme in jail. Daca continua sa aiba dupa ce i le luati, este posibil sa aiba cod, dati /report la admini !

9) Nu aveti dreptul sa detineti job-uri ilegale (drugs dealer, arms dealer, whore,) si job-urile trucker, farmer, garbageman si sweeper.Joburile permise in departamente vor fi: in principal detectiv, si mecanic doar pentru situatii speciale justificate de catre membrii, si cu acordul liderului / subliderului.
10) Se da wanted pentru Patrunderea pe proprietati guvernamentale (inchisoarea, garajul lspd, FBI si NG, Area51) - (Teren Guvernamental), In cazul patrunderii civililor pe teren guvernamental, membrii au obligatia sa le vorbeasca frumos si sa ii roage sa iese afara (indiferent de level), si la cei de level mic ce nu cunosc termenul au obligatia sa le explice ce inseamna si de ce nu pot sta acolo. (acesta va fi un mijloc de a lucra la comportamentul lor)
11) Cine intreaba de rank-up este demis instantaneu !
12) Se considera civil orice alt player care nu face parte din factiunile : PD,FBI,NG.
13) Folosirea comenzii /clear pentru un suspect cu wanted este permisa doar daca este insotita de un motiv bun de care sunteti 100% siguri.
• Inainte de folosirea comenzii /clear trebuie sa anuntati pe /d.

14) Este permis atacul asupra suspectilor aflati in Safe Zone doar daca actiunile voastre sunt 100% precise !
15) Este strict interzis sa trimiteti sms / sunati suspectul si sa-l intrebati daca se preda !
16) Este strict interzis detinerea drogurilor sau materialelor !
17) Puteti folosi doar masinile mici (LSPD sau LVPD) si masinile de la baza (Patriot,Barracks), restul masinilor specifice departamentelor sunt strict interzise,prin urmare,incalcand regula veti primi un Faction Warn !
18) Lipsa de bun simt si vorbitul la misto cu liderii sau cu oricare membru din PD, NG sau FBI va fi sanctionata cu demitere !
19) Spam-ul pe /d este motiv de demitere,/d nu e chat pentru glume. Este pentru a discuta serios despre tot ceea ce priveste politia .
• Este strict interzis folosirea emoticoanelor pe /d !

20) Wanted pentru esc on wanted se acorda doar suspectilor care abuzeaza de esc (cei care se pun pe esc in fata ta, pentru a nu fi omorati). Suspectii care sunt AFK (erau pe esc inainte sa ajungi la ei) raman cu acelasi nivel de wanted pana la revenirea la calculator.
21) Nu se da wanted cuiva AFK!
22) Un suspect care alearga pe jos avand wanted si care omoara sau ataca un politist, va primi adaugarea la nivelul de wanted pe care il are deja a infractiunii comise.
• (exemplul 1: Un suspect cu wanted 1 (existent in lista /wanted) alearga pe jos, iar la aparitia politistului, suspectul il ataca pe acesta. Suspectul trebui imobilizat prin comanda /tazer, politistul avand obligatia de a-i acorda in continuare wanted pentru cop attack [wanted 1 (actual) + wanted 4 (cu motiv: "Cop attack (fara drept)") = wanted 5] si apoi de a-l omori pe acesta).
• (exemplul 2: Un suspect cu wanted 1 (existent in lista /wanted) alearga pe jos, iar la aparitia politistului, suspectul il omoara pe acesta inainte de a primi /tazer. Politistul are obligatia de a-i acorda in continuare wanted suspectului [wanted 1 (actual) + wanted 5 (cu motiv: "Cop kill (fara drept)") = wanted 6]. Si acest suspect, ca si cel din exemplul 1, si-a pierdut dreptul de predare).
23) Un membru National Guard are obligatia de a folosi comanda /su de exact atatea ori cat prevede Wanted List. Nu se ia in considerare situatia "wanted-ului ascuns".
24) In cazul suspectilor care au primit wanted pentru runner, rob, abuz de esc on wanted, complice sau rapire (in cazul in care rapitorul nu renunta la /tie) un membru National Guard de rank 6, daca doreste, are dreptul sa-i aresteze. Pentru ceilalti membri, acesti suspecti NU au drept de predare !
25) Cand aveti un suspect la voi, sunteti obligat sa anuntati frumos pe /d "x-ulescu se preda/ e la mine". Se va scrie numele intreg !

* Reguli suplimentare:

1) Aveti voie sa folositi Hydra si Hunter doar daca suspectul este fugar si nu il puteti prinde, daca va aflati in
inferioritate numerica fata de infractorii care ajuta suspectul (in acest caz se da wanted pentru complice) sau cand suspectul fuge cu avion/elicopter (Air VS Air) !
2) Wanted da doar cel care a fost atacat, nu colegul sau !
3) Pentru patrulat/mers dupa suspecti folositi masina mica de politie, iar in caz de urgenta puteti folosi si celelalte (patriot & barracks). Aveti voie sa folositi si masinile personale.
4) Nu dati wanted pentru runner daca deja are wanted !
5) Inainte de a aresta pe cineva dati /mdc (pe "i"-ul de unde se da clear) pentru a vedea daca nu cumva acel suspect NU are drept de predare.
6) Complicele NU are drept de predare,ca urmare este considerat RUNNER !
7) Aveti voie sa participati doar la event-uri organizate de admini. Este strict interzisa participarea la event-uri organizate direct pe server fara prezenta in cardul organizatorilor a cel putin unui admin !
Cool Sunteti OBLIGATI sa proniti girofarul atunci cand plecati intr-o misiune de urmarire !
9) Aveti voie sa incalcati regulile circulatiei in urmatoarele cazuri:
• Cand conduceti o masina de politie cu girofarul pornit.
• Membrii PD / F.B.I. / NG vor putea urmari suspecti si in masini de civil, dar: in cazul in care merg dupa suspecti ce au drept de predare trebuie sa respecte regulile de circulatie, iar in cazul in care suspectii urmariti nu au drept de predare pot incalca acele reguli. Neconformarea cu aceasta regula si incalcarea, din propria initiativa, a regulilor de circulatie cand nu este cazul se va pedepsi cu Faction Warn.

10) Toti membrii departamentelor au obligatia de a interveni in cazul in care un membru Fireman / Paramedic cere ajutor pe /d !
11) Este strict interzisa folosirea avantajelor de politist (sub orice forma) cand situatia nu o cere !
12) Daca un membru lipseste de la sedinta indiferent de motiv, iar daca la acea sedinta membrul merita rank-up, acesta NU-L va primi.
13) Membrul National Guard NU are permisiunea de a intra in Gun Shop-uri in cadrul unui event, doar in cazul in care este un suspect fara drept de predare.
14) NU este permisa folosirea de Hidraulice si NOS!
15) In topicul 'Raporteaza un membru National Guard' pot posta:
• membrul reclamat
• adminii
• reclamantii, dar fara SPAM, Off-topic. In cazul in care reclamantii posteaza mai mult decat este necesar, reclamatia nu va fi luata in seama.

Cine are un limbaj neadecvat in reclamatie va fi sanctionat + ignorarea plangerii.

16)Membrii departamentelor nu mai au voie sa ceara unui civil / mafiot / factiune pasnica / hitman sa-i omoare.
17)Pretul universal pentru /accept lawyer va fi 500.000$. Orice membru ce ofera accept cu mai putin va fi sanctionat drastic.
18)Limbajul de mahala nu va mai fi tolerat in conversatii cu civili. Expresii gen: "Mars", "BAAA!", "Ce vrei ba?", "Nab", si jigniri de orice fel adresate civililor vor fi sanctionate. PD / F.B.I. / NG sunt factiunile ce stabilesc linistea si impun legea pe server, si astfel membrii trebuie sa dea dovada de buna crestere si sa dea un exemplu demn de urmat celorlalti playeri. Limbajul "familial" poate fi folosit doar cu persoane care le permit acest lucru (prieteni) si nu in locuri publice sau inconjurati de civili.


Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda atunci politistul are dreptul (doar) sa-l omoare.
Daca suspectul zice ca nu se preda, atunci politistul are dreptul (doar) sa-l omoare.
Daca suspectul zice ca nu se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.
Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.
Se considera "fuga" doar daca suspectul se foloseste de un vehicul sau bmx.
Pentru a evita tendinta de a folosi bind-uri si SPAM-ul, numarul de somatii adresate unui suspect va fi redus la minim 3, inainte de a-l trata ca pe un suspect fugar. Membrul ce someaza va trebui sa se asigure ca suspectul a vazut cel putin 3 somatii. 2 somatii consecutive in aceeasi secunda, vor fi considerate bind / SPAM si membrul respectiv va fi sanctionat.

/d este chat-ul prin care membrii departamentelor pot colabora in situatii legate de politie. Certurile / jignirile in cadrul acestui chat nu vor fi tolerate si vor fi sanctionate, in general, cu demitere.

Schimbarea denumirii "war in zone publice", din acordarea wanted-ului, in simplul "war". Zonele publice nu prea se mai justifica.

Reguli vizavi de war:

* WAR-ul intre membrii mafiilor si de asemenea micile rafuieli savarsite de un numar mic de mafioti vor fi sanctionate cu wanted 4 pe motivul WAR. Membrii mafiilor au voie sa faca war oriunde doresc dupa propriile lor reguli si limite, insa fortele de ordine au voie sa intervina doar daca zaresc astfel de actiuni in interiorul oraselor. Dupa ce wanted-ul este acordat, membrii PD / F.B.I. / NG au obligatia sa-i someze pentru a se opri, si apoi a se preda, cu o replica de genul: "Opriti atacurile si predati-va!". Daca respectivii mafioti nu se opresc / nu se predau, isi vor pierde dreptul de predare si vor fi omorati.

* La 3 Faction Warn (FW) sunteti demis din National Guard !


1. De acum inainte prioritatea de urmarire si arestare a suspectilor de catre NG va fi urmatoarea:
- in principal wanted 3+;
- cand nu mai exista wanted 3+ in lista, vor putea aresta wanted 2;
- cand nu mai exista wanted 2 in lista, vor putea aresta wanted 1;
2. Nu va mai exista delimitarea ce vizeaza robberii. Astfel membrii departamentelor vor putea merge dupa robberi indiferent care banca ar fi jefuita.
3. In ceea ce priveste runnerii, urmaririle se vor organiza in echipe mixte, ce contin cel putin un membru din fiecare departament. In cazul in care un anume departament nu contine nici un membru online / activ, echipele vor fi organizate din membrii celorlalte doua departamente. Stabilirea echipelor se va face pe /d INAINTE de a fugi dupa respectivul suspect. Aceasta regula este valabila doar pentru runneri (suspecti care s-au folosit de o masina pentru a fugi si au primit wanted 6).
4. In cazul in care un membru de departament acorda wanted unui civil, acesta are dreptul de a-l aresta, indiferent de wanted level.
5. Noul pret pentru /accept lawyer este de 500.000 $.
6. Membrii de rank 5+ au voie sa foloseasca masinile speciale ale celorlalte departamente (HPV-1000, SecuriCar, Enforcer, FBI Truck, SWAT Tank, Ranger, FBI Rancher, Heli PD, Heli FBI) cu conditia sa anunte pe /d si sa le respawneze dupa ce au terminat a le utiliza.
7. Nu va mai exista delimitarea ce vizeaza robberii. Astfel membrii departamentelor vor putea merge dupa robberi indiferent care banca ar fi jefuita.
8. Membrii departamentelor nu vor putea pleca din factiune daca inca exista plangeri la adresa lor.

* Primul membru de departament care ajunge la un anumit suspect, este cel care il va procesa / aresta. Membrii care ajung dupa acesta nu au dreptul sa intervina decat daca sunt solicitati, iar in cazul in care suspectul intra la ei in masina, sunt obligati sa-l predea membrului initial.


National Guard (NG) is the army, we take care of wanted 3+, except if we are asked for help by PD/FBI or in case the suspect’s wanted is given by a member of NG.

* General rules:

1) Always respect and listen to your leader and members with rank higher than you!
2) Do not argue, do not make a show (you will be dismissed without discussion)!
3) Do not DM, even if you get bored, you risk being dismissed!
4) Drive-By kill is permitted, but only as a passenger (H), if the suspect doesn’t have the right to surrender. Drivers are not allowed to do Drive-By kill. Who attacks by Drive-By in man or puts car on the suspect receives faction warn!
• It’s forbidden for a National Guard member to Drive-By without the driver.

5) Do not abuse of spray and /tazer, try to kill the suspect with your own force, you risk rank-down!
• You are entitled to use up to 5 times a /tazer on the same suspect in a follow-up.

6) Do not give to someone more wanted than he deserves, if he will report, you will receive faction warn!
7) If you are cursed or insulted, proceed by reporting at Complaints section (by model)!
Cool National Guard is not allowed to use /confiscate, /ticket, /frisk!
• We are allowed to use /take those who are entering LSPD and visiting, as well if a prisoner has weapons in jail. If he continues to have weapons after you take them, he might cheat, use /report to admins!

9) You are not allowed to hold illegal jobs (drug dealer, arms dealer, whore, car jacker) and trucker, farmer, garbageman and sweeper.The allowed jobs are: detective (most important) and mechanic but JUST in special situations, justified by members, and with the consent of the leader / sublider.
10) You can give wanted for Government Land (prison, garage LSPD, FBI, NG, Area 51) – (TG), only after you have warned the player at least 3 times that is not allowed to stay in these areas and will receive wanted if he doesn’t leave. It is forbidden to warn the player only ‘Get out!’!
11) Who asks about rank-up is dismissed immediately!
12) The civilian is considering being any player who doesn’t belong to factions: PD, FBI, NG.
13) Using the /clear command for a suspect is forbidden unless it is accompanied by a good reason and you are 100 % sure.
• Before using the command /clear you must announce on /d.

14) It is allowed to shoot after a suspect in the Safe-Zones only if your actions are 100% accurate!
15) It is forbidden to sms/call a suspect and ask if he surrenders!
16) It is forbidden to use TV on a suspect or give wanted while watching TV!
17) It is forbidden holding materials or drugs!
18) You are allowed to use only the small cars (LSPD or LVPD) and the cars from Area 51 (Patriots, Barrack), the specific departments cars are prohibited, so, by violating the rule you will receive a faction warn!
19) Lack of common sense and ‘cool’ talking to leaders or any member of PD, FBI, NG will result in dismissal!
20) Spam on /d is a cause for dismissal, /d is not chat for fun/jokes. It is used to discuss seriously about everything regarding the police.
• It is strictly forbidden to use emoticons on /d!

21) Wanted for esc is giving only for suspects who abuses of esc (suspects who put on esc in front of you to not be killer). Suspects who are AFK (they were on esc before you reach them) remain the same wanted level before they return to computer.
22) Do not give wanted to persons who are AFK!
23) A suspect who is running by foot and kills or attacks a cop, will receive addition to the wanted level he already had, the crime he commits.
• (example 1: A suspect with wanted 1 (existing in list /wanted) runs away, and at the appearance of the cop, the suspect attacked him. The suspect must be immobilized by /tazer, cop has the obligation to give further wanted for cop attack [wanted 1(current) + wanted 4 (with reason: “cop attack (without right to surrender)”) = wanted 5] and then kill him).
• (example 2: A suspect with wanted 1 (existing in list /wanted) runs away, and at the appearance of the cop, the suspect killed him before receiving a /tazer. The cop has the obligation to give further wanted for cop attack [wanted 1(current) + wanted 5 (with reason: “cop kill (without right to surrender)”) = wanted 6] and then kill him).

24) A National Guard member is required to use /su for as many times as provides the Wanted List. The situation of “hidden wanted” is not considered.
25) If suspects who has wanted for runner, rob, abuse of esc/quit on wanted, accomplice or kidnapping (if kidnapper doesn’t give up of /tie) a rank 6 member, if desired, has the right to arrest him. For other members, these suspects are not entitled to surrender!
26) When a suspect is in your car you are obliged to notify on /d “x suspect surrenders/is with me”. You have to write the full name!

* Additional rules:

1) You are allowed to use the Hydra and Hunter only if the suspect is runner and you can’t catch him, if you are in outnumbered against criminals who help the suspect (in this case you give wanted for accomplice) or when the suspects flies with airplane/helicopter (Air VS Air)!
2) Wanted gives only the one who was attacked, not his mate!
3) To patrol/go after suspects use a police small car, and in case of emergency you cand use the others (Patriots & Barrack). Personal cars are allowed too.
4) Do not give wanted for runner if he already has wanted!
5) Before arresting someone give /mdc (in police vehicles or on the “i” where you can give clear) to see if the suspect has the right to surrender.
6) Accomplice hasn’t got the right to surrender, he is considered RUNNER!
7) You are allowed to attend only the events organized by the admins. It is strictly forbidden to participate in organized events directly on the server if is not present at least one admin organizer.
Cool You are obliged to start the flashing when you go on a mission to follow!
9) You are allowed to violate the traffic rules in these cases:
• When driving a police car with the flashing on.
• When following a criminal without the right to surrender in civilians cars.

10) All members of the departments are required to help a Fireman/Paramedic member if he asks for help in /d!
11) Is strictly forbidden to use the advantages of police (any form) when the situation is not required!
12) If a member is absent from the meeting for any reason and if at that meeting that member deserves rank up, it will not get it.
13) National Guard members aren’t allowed to enter the Gun Shops in an event, except when a suspect without the right to surrender is hiding inside!
14) You aren’t allowed to use hydraulics and NOS!
15) In the topic ‘Report a National Guard member’ may post:
• member complained
• admins
• reporters, but not spam, off-topic. If the reporters post more than necessary, the complaint won’t be taken into consideration.
Who has an inappropriate language in a report will result in getting charged + ignore the complaint.
16)Department members are not allowed to ask for a civilian / mafia member/ peaceful faction member / hitman to kill them.
17)Universal price for /accept lawyer will be $ 1,000,000. Any member who accept offers will be punished.
18)Slum language will not be tolerated in conversations with civilians. Expressions like "Mars", "BAAA!", "What do you not?", "NAB", and insults of any kind to the civilians will be punished. PD / F.B.I. / NG are factions that establish peace and enforce the law on the server, and so members have to show up and give a good example to follow other player. The language of "family" can be used only with people who allow this (friends) and not in public places surrounded by civilians.


If the suspect doesn’t respond when asked to surrender, then the cop has the right (only) to kill him.
If the suspect says he doesn’t surrender, then the cop has the right (only) to kill him.
If the suspect says he doesn’t surrender and then he runs with a vehicle, the cop has the right to give him wanted for runner.
If the suspect doesn’t respond when asked to surrender and runs with a vehicle, the cop has the right to give him wanted for runner.
It is considered ‘running’ only if the suspect uses a vehicle.

/ d is chatting with members of departments can collaborate with police situations. Arguments / insults in this chat will not be tolerated and will be punished, generally with /unninvite.

NG is entitled to take care only to wanted 3+.
PD and FBI are advised to take care first of those who have wanted 1,2 and fines, then wanted 3-6.

Rules regarding the war

WAR between mafias and also between members of small repercussions committed by a small number of mobs will be punished with wanted 4 WAR. As members of the mafia was allowed to make war wherever they want, the police are allowed to intervene wherever they see such actions. After you give wanted 4, the members of PD / FBI / NG are obliged to summon him to stop, and then to surrender, with a line like: "Stop the attacks and surrender yourself." If those mobs do not stop / not surrender, they will lose the right to surrender and can be killed.

* At 3 Faction Warns (FW) you are dismissed from National Guard!


1. The priority now tracking and arrest of suspects by the NG will be as follows:
- Mainly wanted 3 +;
- When there are no wanted 3 + in the list, can arrest wanted 2;
- When there are no wanted 2 in the list, can arrest wanted 1;
2. The Rob LS / Rob LV limitation will no longer exist. Thus, department members will be able to pursue and kill bank robbers, no matter what bank they choose to rob.
3. Regarding runners, prosecution will be organized in mixed groups, containing at least one member from each department. If a particular department does not contain any member online / active team members will be organized in the other two departments.Establishing teams will be on / D before to run for that suspect. This rule is valid only for the runner (suspects who used a car to run and have been wanted 6).
4. If the department granted a member wanted a civilian, he is entitled to arrest, regardless of the wanted level.
5. The new price for / accept lawyer is $ 500,000.
6. Rank 5 + members are allowed to use special machines to other departments (HPV-1000, SecuriCar, Enforcer, FBI Truck, Swat Tank, Ranger, FBI Rancher, PD Heli, Heli FBI) ​​provided to announce the / d and their respawn after they have finished using them.
7. A department member is not allowed to leave the faction if unanswered complaints about that member still exist.

* The first memberof thedepartmentreaches a certainsuspect,isone whowill process/arrest.Members whocomeafter himhave no rightto interveneonlyif requestedandif thesuspectenterthemin the car,areforced tohand over initial member.
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Regulament National Guard
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