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 F.B.I. - Regulament general

In jos 

Mesaje : 107
Data de înscriere : 05/05/2012
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Pe Sa:Mp

F.B.I. - Regulament general Empty
MesajSubiect: F.B.I. - Regulament general   F.B.I. - Regulament general EmptySam Mai 05, 2012 3:38 pm

The Federal Bureau Of Investigations (FBI) este o organizatie guvernamentala care se ocupa in special cu rezolvare celor mai grele cazuri, asista politia si lucreaza in special impotriva organizatiilor corupte, influentelor precum si traficului sau consumului de droguri. Orice jucator care face parte dintr-o organizatie ilegala sau care comite orice infractiune din urmatoarea lista se alege cu minute/ore bune de jail:
Incalcarea legilor impuse de stat privind: crima, rapire, jaf, dare de mita, furt, obstructionarea justitiei, deranjarea linistii publice, agresiuni, folosirea armelor in scopuri ilegale.
Trafic sau consum de droguri.
Asistarea criminalilor in diverse situatii (complice).
Acte de terorism.
Atacurile benzilor rivale.
1. In cazul suspectilor care au primit wanted pentru runner, rob, abuz de esc on wanted, complice sau rapire (in cazul in care rapitorul nu renunta la /tie) un agent FBI de rank 6 daca doreste, are dreptul sa-i aresteze. Pentru ceilalti membri, acesti suspecti nu au drept de predare.
2. Membrii FBI nu au voie sa detina job-urile ilegale (drugs dealer, arms dealer, whore, car jacker) si de asemenea job-urile trucker, farmer, garbageman.
3. Nu aveti voie sa detineti materiale si/sau droguri.
4. Un Agent FBI nu are voie sa dea frisk excesiv (la toata lumea precum actioneaza PD). De asemenea, nu are voie sa dea /frisk din sau in masina. Un agent FBI da /frisk in principal celor din mafii / Hitman. Un agent FBI va da /frisk altcuiva doar in cazul in care considera ca respectivul este suspect. Controlarea HQ-urilor celor din mafii / Hitman (prin folosirea comenzii /frisk asupra membrilor acestora) se face doar in echipa (minim 4) si doar cu acordul liderului, insotit de un mandat de perchezitie pentru acea zi.
5. Un agent FBI nu are voie sa dea amenda (/ticket).
6. Este strict interzisa folosirea vehiculelor din cadrul factiunii FBI, in scopuri personale, nerespectarea acestei reguli duce la sanctiuni drastice. Aveti voie sa mergeti dupa suspecti cu masina de politie, cu girofarul pornit. Dar in cazul in care vehiculele speciale sunt ocupate, vor putea urmari suspecti si in masini de civil, dar:
* in cazul in care merg dupa suspecti ce au drept de predare trebuie sa respecte regulile de circulatie;
* in cazul in care suspectii urmariti nu au drept de predare pot incalca acele reguli.
Neconformarea cu aceasta regula si incalcarea, din propria initiativa, a regulilor de circulatie cand nu este cazul se va pedepsi cu Faction Warn.
7. Este strict interzis sa trimiti sms / suni suspectul si sa-l intrebi daca se preda.
8. Este permis drive-by kill insa doar ca pasager (H), pe suspecti de wanted 6, fara drept de predare. Soferii nu au voie sa faca drive-by kill.
* Este interzis pentru un agent F.B.I. sa faca Drive-by cand in masina nu se afla soferul.
* Este interzis pentru un agent F.B.I. sa faca Drive-by cu deagle.
9. In cazul in care un jucator cumpara / foloseste arme in zonele guvernamentale, un agent FBI are obligatia de a-i da /take la arme. Apoi, trebuie chemat un PD care sa se ocupe de cel care a vandut acele arme.
10. Un Agent FBI are voie sa foloseasca comanda /take doar pentru a confisca arme si droguri. Agentii FBI nu se mai ocupa cu materialele in nicio situatie, exceptand cazul in care acesta este solicitat de catre un admin.
11. Aveti dreptul sa folositi de maxim 5 ori comanda /tazer pe acelasi jucator, intr-o urmarire.
12. Este permisa folosirea de Hidraulice si NOS, doar cand sunteti undercover in misiune.
13. Este permis atacul asupra suspectilor aflati in Safe Zone doar daca actiunile voastre sunt 100% precise si alti civili nevinovati nu sunt raniti.
14. Se da wanted pentru Patrunderea pe proprietati guvernamentale (inchisoarea, garajul lspd, garajul FBI si Hq NG) - (TG), dar membrii au obligatia sa le vorbeasca frumos si sa ii roage sa iese afara (indiferent de level), iar in cazul celor de level mic ce nu cunosc termenul au obligatia sa le explice ce inseamna si de ce nu pot sta acolo. Este interzis sa avertizati jucatorul respectiv doar prin "Afara!", sau prin /bind-uri de genul: "Afara! Teren guvernamental! Risti wanted!". Replicile membrilor vor fi direct proportionale sau sinonimice cu: "[Numele playerului], te rog frumos sa iesi afara. Te aflii pe teren guvernamental.", si EVITATI utilizarea aceleiasi replici.
15. Sunteti obligati sa respectati si sa urmati ordinele membrilor cu rank superior.
16. Orice comportament / limbaj neadecvat se va sanctiona dupa gravitatea acestuia cu avertisment / rank down sau chiar demitere.
17. Lipsa de bun simt, aroganta si vorbitul la misto cu liderii sau cu oricare membru din PD, NG sau FBI va fi sanctionata cu demitere.
18. La 3 Faction Warn-uri orice membru va fi demis. Pedepsele vor fi sterse in timp doar daca membrul dovedeste ca merita.
19. FBI nu cere si nu confisca licente.
20. Comanda /undercover poate fi folosita doar in misiuni foarte dificile si doar cu acordul liderului / subliderului. Daca niciunul din cei doi nu este on / nu va acorda permisiunea de a folosi /undercover, este strict interzis sa lucrati sub acoperire. Neconformarea cu aceasta regula se pedepseste de catre lider dupa cum acesta considera.
21. Wanted pentru esc on wanted se acorda doar suspectilor care abuzeaza de esc (cei care se pun pe esc in fata ta, pentru a nu fi omorati). Suspectii care sunt AFK (erau pe esc inainte sa ajungi la ei) raman cu acelasi nivel de wanted pana la revenirea la calculator.
22. Nu se da wanted cuiva AFK, exceptand cazul in care un suspect detine droguri, acesta poate primi wanted si cand este Away From Keyboard (AFK).
23. Joburile permise in departamente vor fi: in principal detectiv, si mecanic doar pentru situatii speciale justificate de catre membrii, si cu acordul liderului / subliderului.
24. Intr-o urmarire, numarul de somatii adresate unui suspect va fi de minim 3, pentru siguranta ca suspectul a observat aceste somatii si a inteles ce are de facut. Daca in pozele suspectului (preferabil intregul chat) nu apare nici o somatie sau apare o singura somatie care nu contine numele suspectului, atunci membrul care nu s-a asigurat va fi santionat, dupa caz. 2 somatii consecutive in aceeasi secunda, vor fi considerate bind / SPAM si membrul respectiv va fi sanctionat.
25. Membrii departamentelor nu au voie sa ceara unui civil / mafiot / factiune pasnica / hitman sa-i omoare.

Regulament de Ordine Interioara:
26. Certurile intre membrii pe /r sau /d vor fi sanctionate cu rank down pana la demitere (vezi regula nr 16).
27. Este interzisa favorizarea jucatorilor. Un Agent FBI trebuie sa dea dovada de CORECTITUDINE.
28. Nu aveti voie sa folositi comenzile (avantajele de a fi politist) in scopuri personale, pentru distractie altfel veti fi demis.
29. Fara spam pe /d sau /r. Cand cineva vorbeste voi ascultati, nu va bagati aiurea in discutie, daca aveti de facut vreo completare sau nu ati inteles ceva, asteptati momentul oportun.
30. Nu vreau sa vad reclamatii intre voi pe forum, vom incerca sa ajungem la o intelegere pe /r daca sunteti nemultumiti. De asemenea, daca actiunile unui coleg vi se par deplasate in sensul ca incalca regulamentul, trimiteti un PM liderului cu explicatia.
31. In timpul sedintelor, nu vorbeste nimeni decat daca va permit liderii si telefoanele vor fi inchise.
32. Cine intarzie la sedinta anunta prin /sms sau /call liderul/subliderul, nu pe /r "am intarziat, unde e sedinta".
33. Cand aveti un suspect la voi, sunteti obligat sa anuntati frumos pe /d "x-ulescu se preda/ e la mine". Se va scrie numele intreg.
34. Membrii FBI care se baga aiurea/ca martori in topicul "Reclama un Agent FBI" sau "Aplicatii FBI" vor fi sanctionati cu rank down/avertisment. Asemenea situatii se explica prin PM liderului.
35. In topicu reclama un Agent FBI pot posta:
- agentul reclamat;
- adminii;
- reclamantii, dar fara SPAM, Off-topic. In cazul in care reclamantii efectueaza mai mult de un post pentru un anumit membru, reclamatia nu va fi luata in seama. Daca doriti sa adaugati ceva dupa Reply-ul membrului FBI, dati EDIT la plangere.
Cine are un limbaj neadecvat in reclamatie va fi sanctionat + ignorarea plangerii.
36. Aveti voie sa participati doar la event-uri organizate de admini sau event-uri non-agresive. De asemenea nu aveti voie sa organizati un event agresiv.
37. Este strict interzisa folosirea avantajelor de politist (sub orice forma) cand situatia nu o cere.
38. Orice membru al departamentului are obligatia de a interveni in cazul in care un membru Fireman / Paramedic cere ajutor pe /d.
39. Folosirea comenzii /clear pentru un suspect cu wanted este interzisa daca nu este insotita de un motiv bun de care sunteti 100% siguri. De asemenea, suspectilor ce au wanted 1 pe motiv "Stealing a police vehicle"/"Stealing an ambulance" se poate acorda /clear daca acestia va solicita si va explica gresala.
40. Un agent F.B.I. are obligatia de a folosi comanda /su cu exact atatea unitati cat prevede Wanted List. Nu se ia in considerare situatia "wamted-ului ascuns".
41. Un suspect isi mai poate pierde dreptul de predare in urmatoarea situatie:
* acesta are deja wanted, un membru FBI il someaza, iar acesta il omoara pe acel membru. Luand in considerare faptul ca wanted-ul ascuns nu mai exista, acest suspect, pe langa wanted-ul existent, va primi inca un "first degree murder" (de la gamemode) + "cop kill" de la membrul cu pricina si isi va pierde dreptul de predare (teoretic, wanted 7 fara drept). Membrul FBI trebuie sa anunte pe /d daca acel suspect si-a pierdut dreptul de predare. Vechea regula cu wanted 1 + wanted 5 "cop kill" = wanted 6 (fara drept) NU MAI ESTE VALABILA.
42. LVPD Maverick poate fi folosit doar de catre agentii cu rank 5+, NU pentru plimbari ci doar in situatii speciale. Toti cei sub rank 5 au obligatia de a cere permisiunea liderului inainte de a decola cu elicopterul. Toate celelalte masini pot fi folosite in functie de rank (script).
43. /d este chat-ul prin care membrii departamentelor pot colabora in situatii legate de politie. Certurile / jignirile in cadrul acestui chat nu vor fi tolerate si vor fi sanctionate, in general, cu demitere. De asemenea, alte discutii ce nu vizeaza activitatea fortelor de ordine nu vor fi tolerate in cadrul acestui chat.
[indent]Atentie: Este strict interzis folosirea emoticoanelor pe /d.[/indent]
44. FBI si PD au dreptul sa intervina de la wanted 1+. Cu toate acestea, daca un membru PD cere unui agent FBI sa ii cedeze un suspect care in prealabil fusese anuntat drept "capturat", acel membru FBI este nevoit sa accepte. De asemenea, daca in lista /wanted exista suspecti de tip wanted 1 sau 2, membrii FBI nu se vor angaja in capturarea / arestarea suspectilor de tip wanted 3+. Singurele situatii in care un membru FBI are voie sa captureze / aresteze wanted 3+ sunt fie cand in lista /wanted nu exista decat wanted 3+, fie cand nu exista membrii National Guard activi ONLINE.
45. Un membru PD/FBI/NG nu are voie sa ceara ajutorul sau sa fie ajutat, in nici un fel, de catre un civil in urmarirea suspectilor cu sau fara wanted. Daca aveti nevoie de ajutor cereti-l celorlalte departamente, nicidecum civililor.

! Tratarea suspectilor fugari:
Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda atunci politistul are dreptul (doar) sa-l omoare.
Daca suspectul zice ca nu se preda, atunci politistul are dreptul (doar) sa-l omoare.
Daca suspectul zice ca nu se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.
Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.
Se considera "fuga" doar daca suspectul se foloseste de un vehicul.
In cazul in care suspectul fara drept de predare intra in masina altui player, membrii PD/FBI/NG au obligatia de a-l soma (folosind /m sau /s, depinde de situatie) pe conducatorul (eventual nevinovat) acelui vehicul pentru a opri, cu o replica de genul: "Opreste masina acum, risti COMPLICE!" de cel putin 2 ori fara a face SPAM. In cazul in care respectivul player nu opreste masina sau nu-i da /eject suspectului fara drept de predare, acesta va primi wanted 6 pe motivul complice.

! Reguli vizavi de war:

* WAR-ul intre membrii mafiilor si de asemenea micile rafuieli savarsite de un numar mic de mafioti vor fi sanctionate cu wanted 4 pe motivul WAR. Membrii mafiilor au voie sa faca war oriunde doresc dupa propriile lor reguli si limite, insa fortele de ordine au voie sa intervina doar daca zaresc astfel de actiuni in interiorul oraselor. Dupa ce wanted-ul este acordat, membrii PD / F.B.I. / NG au obligatia sa-i someze pentru a se opri, si apoi a se preda, cu o replica de genul: "Opriti atacurile si predati-va!". Daca respectivii mafioti nu se opresc / nu se predau, isi vor pierde dreptul de predare si vor fi omorati.

! Reguli vizavi de Namecover:

Namecover este o comanda speciala de care se pot folosi doar membrii departamentului F.B.I. Aceasta este folosita indeosebi pentru operatiuni extrem si pentru a depista diverse infractiuni fara a trezi suspiciuni. La aceasta comanda au acces doar agentii ce detin rank 5+ , acestia o pot aplica si celorlalti membri. In utilizarea acestei comenzi se vor respecta urmatoarele reguli:

1. Este interzis ca un agent FBI sa-si dezvaluie identitatea de fata cu un civil/mafiot/hitman. De aceea un agent cu undercover nu are voie sa detina spray sau armura. Vom pastra comanda, precum si operatiunile undercover, un secret.
2. Flagrantele impotriva traficului si consumului de droguri, precum si alte operatiuni vor fi organizate doar cu acordul si supravegherea unui rank 5+.
3. Numele acordate nu vor fi nume non-rp si nu vor imita numele diversilor jucatori / admini / lideri.
4. In orice flagrant ce vizeaza drogurile, va participa o echipa de minim 2 persoane in care va exista cel putin o persoana cu rank 2+ fara undercover, pentru folosirea comenzii [/confiscate].
5. In cazul in care, intr-un anume flagrant, traficantul/detinatorul de droguri nu vrea sa se dea jos din masina, coechipierul de rank 2+ ii poate da /frisk acestuia chiar daca se afla in masina, si NU in mod abuziv.
* Acest privilegiu NU ESTE VALABIL in alte situatii (ex: mandate de perchezitie, /frisk-uri ordinare).
6. Este strict interzis ca agentul aflat sub acoperire sa dea [/frisk] unui suspect sau sa faca abuz de identitatea sa. Prin abuz putem intelege Death-Match aiurea, Limbajul colorat , etc. Pentru diverse abuzuri de acest gen, respectivul membru va fi dat afara cu Faction Punish.
7. Desi coechipierul de rank 2+ este cel care se ocupa de /frisk si /su, agentul sub acoperire poate face SS la acel /su (constituind 2 puncte pentru raportul de activitate).
!Atentie: Pentru ca acest SS sa fie valabil in raportul de activitate trebuie sa se vada ca aveti undercover si de asemenea coechipierul trebuie sa apara in SS.
8. Dupa ce dealerul / detinatorul de droguri a primit wantedul cuvenit , de arestarea sa se poate ocupa oricare agent din echipa respectiva, dar cu conditia ca acestia sa nu se dea de gol, in ceea ce priveste undercover-ul.
9. Este permis ca un agent aflat sub acoperire sa cumpere droguri si chiar sa le foloseasca. Acest lucru poate duce la capatarea increderii fata de traficant. De asemenea membrul cu namecover poate folosi NOS si Hidraulice, dar nu in mod abuziv.
10. Undercover-ul mai poate fi folosit si pentru a acorda wanted unor civili/mafioti/hitman ce incalca legea, in locuri publice. Aceasta regula se adreseaza, in special, celor de rank 1 si vizeaza urmatoarele infractiuni:
- atacarea unui civil (civilul in cauza poti fi chiar tu cu undercover);
- furtul unui vehicul; (detinatorul de vehicul poti fi chiar tu cu undercover);
- rapirea unui civil (civilul in cauza poti fi chiar tu cu undercover);
- drive-by (shot sau calcat);
- war in interiorul oraselor;
- omorarea unui civil (civilul in cauza poti fi chiar tu cu undercover);
Puteti aplica aceste /su-uri de pe undercover DOAR daca respectati urmatorul sablon:
★Sunteti undercover si zariti desfasurarea uneia din infractiunile de mai sus. Mai intai faceti SS la infractiunea in desfasurare, apoi acordati wanted-ul respectiv si faceti SS cu wanted-ul acordat.
Acest sablon este menit si a va ajuta sa va aparati in cazul unei plangeri. (voi avand SS cu infractiunea respectiva), si de asemenea va ofera celor de rank 1 inca un mod de a strange puncte pentru raport (mai multe detalii gasiti in topicul „Rapoarte de Activitate”).
Pentu arestare, apelati la un coleg fara undercover, pentru a-l duce la jail, iar dupa ce acesta l-a dus, daca doriti sa-l arestati, folositi comanda [/undercover off] si anutati-va colegul.
!Atentie: NU ABUZATI de aceasta regula. Orice abuz va fi pedepsit aspru.
11. Membrii care folosesc undercover nu au voie sa determine alti civili (prin diverse metode) a savarsi oricare din infractiunile enuntate in regula 10. Acesta poate fi considerat abuz si se va pedepsi aspru. Se va acorda wanted doar daca acei infractori actioneaza de buna voie.
12. Undercover poate fi utilizat si pentru depistarea celor ce vor sa jefuiasca banca.
13. Folositi comanda [/undercover off] doar daca nu sunteti vazuti de alti jucatori.
14. Agentii FBI de rank 5+ trebuie sa faca SS dupa fiecare /namecover acordat, si sa pastreze o evidenta a numelor acordate (SS-urile), in caz ca va fi nevoie.

! Atentie

* Limbajul de mahala nu va mai fi tolerat in conversatii cu civili. Expresii gen: "Mars", "BAAA!", "Ce vrei ba?", "Nab", si jigniri de orice fel adresate civililor vor fi sanctionate. PD / F.B.I. / NG sunt factiunile ce stabilesc linistea si impun legea pe server, si astfel membrii trebuie sa dea dovada de buna crestere si sa dea un exemplu demn de urmat celorlalti playeri. Limbajul "familial" poate fi folosit doar cu persoane care le permit acest lucru (prieteni) si nu in locuri publice sau inconjurati de civili.

* Agentii F.B.I. au obligatia sa faca Screen Shots in urmatoarele situatii:
- /mdc-ul unui suspect arata ca respectivul nu avea drept de predare. (F8)
- imediat dupa ce dati /frisk unui suspect, indiferent daca avea sau nu iteme ilegale in posesie.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigations (FBI) is a government organization that deals mainly with solving the most difficult cases, assists the police and works especially against corrupt organizations, but also against drug trafficking or use. Any player who takes part in illegal actions or who commits any offense from the following list will be punished by imprisonment for minutes/hours:
Violation of state laws concerning: murder, kidnapping, robbery, bribery, theft, obstruction of justice, disturbing public peace, assault, use of weapons for illegal purposes.
Drug use or trafficking.
Assisting criminals in various situations (accomplice).
Acts of terrorism.
Illegal battles of rival bands.
1. If certain suspects receive wanted level for acts such as runner, robbery, abuse of ESC on wanted, accomplice for other criminals or kidnapping (if the kidnapper does not give up /tie) an FBI agent of rank 6, has the right to arrest them if he desires. For other members, these suspects do not have the right to surrender.
2. FBI members are not allowed to hold illegal jobs (drugs dealer, arms dealer, whore, car jacker) or trucker, farmer, garbageman jobs.
3. FBI members are not allowed to hold materials and / or drugs.
4. An FBI agent must not perform excessive frisks (as The Police Department does). Also neither the frisked player nor the agent who does the frisking is allowed to be in a car during such actions. The FBI agent will mainly frisk Mafia / Hitman members. Frisking someone else is allowed only if the agent believes that he is a suspect. Mafia / Hitman HQs searches (using the /frisk command on their members) must be performed in teams (of minimum 4) and only with the FBI leader's agreement, and also if a search warrant was released for that day.
5. An FBI agent can not give a /ticket, under any circumstances.
6. It is strictly forbidden to use FBI vehicles for personal purposes. The violation of this rule will result in severe penalties. FBI agents are allowed to go after suspects in police cars and the flasher / siren must be activated. When the special vehicles are occupied, they can pursue suspects in civilian cars, but:
* if they pursue suspects which have the right to surrender, they must obey traffic laws;
* if they pursue suspects which do not have the right to surrender, they can choose to disobey traffic laws.
Non-compliance with this rule and intentional violation of the traffic laws when the situation doesn't demand it, is not allowed and shall be punished with Faction Warn.
7. It is strictly forbidden to send an sms or call the suspect to ask if he surrenders.
8. Drive-by kills are allowed only as a passenger (H), on wanted level 6 suspects which don't have the right to surrender. Drivers are not allowed to perform drive-by kills.
* It is forbidden for an F.B.I. agent to perform a drive-by when there's no driver in the car.
* It is forbidden for an F.B.I. agent to perform a drive-by with the Desert Eagle.
9. If a player buys / uses weapons in government areas, the FBI agent is obliged to /take his weapons, and then he must call a PD member to take care of the player that sold those weapons.
10. An FBI agent is allowed to use the /take command just to confiscate weapons and drugs. FBI agents are no longer dealing with materials in any situation, unless it is requested by an admin.
11. FBI agents are allowed to use the /tazer command up to 5 times on the same player, during a pursuit.
12. The use of hydraulics and NOS is allowed only when you are on an undercover mission.
13. FBI agents are allowed to attack suspects in Safe Zones only if their actions are 100% accurate and other innocent civilians are not injured.
14. A wanted level can be given for Trespassing on Government land (The Jail Area, The LSPD Garage, The FBI Garage and National Guard Headquarters) - (TG), but FBI members have the obligation to nicely adress and politely ask the civilians to exit such grounds (regardless of the level), and in the case of low level players, who are not familiar with TG, FBI members are required to explain to those players what TG means and why they are not allowed to hang out in these places. It is forbidden to warn the player with only: "Afara!" (meaning "Get out!"), or key binds such as: "Afara! Teren guvernamental! Risti wanted!" (meaning "Get out! You are on guvernment land! You risk becoming wanted!"). Members's warning lines must be proportional to or synonymous with "[player name], please exit this area. You are on government land.". AVOID using the same lines.
15. You are obligated to follow the orders of higher rank members.
16. Any inappropriate behavior / language can be punished with a warning, rank down or even dismissal.
17. The lack of respect, arrogance and "smart" mouthing towards the leader or FBI coleagues will be punished with dismissal.
18. At 3 Faction Warns any member will be kicked out of the department. Penalties will be removed in time only if the member proves that he deserves it.
19. The FBI will not ask of licenses or confiscate licenses..
20. The /undercover command can be used in difficult missions only with the approval of the leader / subleader. If neither one of them is ONLINE to approve undercover activities, then using /undercover is not allowed. Noncompliance with this rule shall be punished by the leader as he sees fit.
21. Wanted for ESC is given only only to those suspects who abuse the Escape key during a pursuit (those who press Esc in front of you, to avoid being killed or to stall an arrest). Suspects who are AFK (were on Esc before you reached them) will remain with the same wanted level until they return to the computer.
22. You can only give wanted to someone who is AFK is he holds drugs on him.
23. The jobs that are allowed in the FBI are mainly the detective, and the mechanic only for special cases justified by members, and with the consent of the leader / subleader.
24. In suspect pursuits, the number of summons addressed to the suspect will be of at least 3, thus making sure that the suspect has seen these summons and he understands what he needs to do, before he is dealt with as a fugitive suspect. If the ScreenShots of the suspect (preferably, to the ENTIRE chat) contain no summons, then the member in cause will be punished. Two consecutive summons in the same second, will be considered bind / SPAM and the member will be penalized.
25. Department members are no longer allowed to ask a civilian / mafia member / peaceful faction member / hitman to kill them.

Specific Rules:
26. Arguments or verbal fights between members using /r or /d will be punished with rank down to dismissal (see Rule 16).
27. Favoritism is not allowed. An FBI agent must proove correctness and honesty.
28. As an FBI agent, you may not use commands (advantages of being a cop) for your own personal gain or for fun otherwise you will be dismissed.
29. Spamming on /d or /r is forbidden. When someone speaks, do not cut into the discussion and if you have anything to add or did not understand something, wait for the right moment.
30. I do not you want to see complaints between yourselves on the forum. If you are unhappy about something, we will try to reach an agreement on /r. Also, if you find a colleague's actions out of line and in violation with the rules, you will send the leader a PM which contains an explanation.
31. During meetings, no one talks unless the leaders give you permission and phones will be closed.
32. If a member arrives late during a meeting, he will announce the leader / sub-leader through an /sms or /call. He will not ask "Where is the meeting?" or anything else on /r.
33. When a certain suspect is in your custody, you are obligated to announce it on /d using the following sentence: "X surrendered to me." (English) / "X este la mine." (Romanian) or something similar.
34. FBI members will not reply in the "F.B.I. - Reclamatii agenti" topic if it does not concern them or as a witness. If there is a witness situation, that certain witness will send the leader a Private Message. FBI members will, also, not post any reply in the "F.B.I. - Aplicatii" topic.
35. The only ones that can post in the "F.B.I. - Reclamatii agenti" topic are:
- the reported agent;
- the admins;
- the player that complants, but he will not SPAM or make an Off-topic post. Also if this player posts more than once for a certain complaint, his complaint will be ignored. If he wishes to add something after the reported agent's explanation, he will add an Edit to the complaint post.
If a certain player / member uses inappropriate language in his complaint / post, then his complaint / explanation will be ignored and he will be punished with warn-up.
36. You are allowed to attend only the events which are organized by admins or which are non-aggressive. Also, you are not allowed to organize an aggressive event.
37. It is strictly forbidden to use the advantages of police (in any form) when it is not required.
38. Any member of the department is obligated to intervene if a Fireman / Paramedic colleague asks for help on /d.
39. Using the /clear command on a wanted suspect is prohibited unless accompanied by a good reason of which you are 100% sure. Also, suspects who have wanted level 1 because of "Stealing a police vehicle" / "Stealing an ambulance" may be granted /clear if they will seek your help or to explain the mistake.
40. An F.B.I. agent is required to use the /su command with as many units as provided in The Wanted List. The hidden wanted will be ignored.
41. A certain suspect can also loose his right to surrender in the following situation:
* The suspect already has wanted level 1 (due to random motives), an FBI member tells him to surrender, and he kills that FBI member. Taking into account that the hidden wanted no longer exists, adding to his existent wanted level, the suspect will receive 1 wanted star ("first degree murder" from the gamemode) + "cop kill" 5 stars from the FBI member that he killed, thus loosing his right to surrender (theoretically, he should have wanted 7 with no right to surrender). The FBI member must announce on /d if that certain suspect has lost his right. The old rule saying wanted 1 + wanted 5 "cop kill" = wanted 6 (with no right) IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
42. The LVPD Maverick can only be used by agents of rank 5+, and not for leasure flights, but for department business. All agents under rank 5 are required to ask for the leader / sub-leader 's permission to take off with the helicopter. All other cars can be used depending on rank (script-side limitations).
43. /d is the chat in which department members can collaborate in police business. Arguments / insults in this chat will not be tolerated and will be punished, in general, with dismissal. Also, other discussions that do not cover law enforcement activity will not be tolerated in this chat.
Atentie: It is strictly forbidden to use emoticon text on /d.
44. FBI and PD members have the right to intervene in Wanted 1+. However, if a PD member asks an FBI agent to give them a suspect who had been previously announced as "captured", the member FBI is forced to accept. Also, if suspects of wanted level 1 and 2 exist in the /wanted listing, FBI members will not engage in capturing / arresting suspects of wanted level 3+. The only situations in which an FBI member is allowed to capture / arrest wanted 3+ suspects are either when the /wanted listing contains only wanted 3+, or when there are no active National Guard members online.
45. A PD/FBI/NG member is not allowed to ask for help or be helped, in any way, by a civilian during a suspect pursuit, with or without wanted. If you need help ask for it from the other departments, not from civilians.

! Dealing with running suspects:
If the suspect does not answer when he is asked to surrender, the policeman can (only) kill him.
If the suspect says that he will not surrender, the policeman can (only) kill him.
If the suspect says that he will not surrender and runs using a vehicle, then the policeman must give him wanted level 6 with the reason "runner".
If the suspect does no't answer and runs using a vehicle, then the policeman must give him wanted level 6 with "runner" as reason.
A "runner" is a suspects that runs from the police using a vehicle.
If a suspect without surrender rights enters another player's car, the PD / FBI / NG members are obligated to use /m or /s and say: "Stop the car now, you risk ACCOMPLICE!" (for English players) / "Opreste masina acum, risti COMPLICE!" (for Romanian players) at least 2 times without SPAM, thus asking the (innocent) player to stop the car. If that certain player does not comply by stopping the car or by ejecting the runner, he will get wanted level 6 with the reason "complice".

! Rules which concern gang wars:

* Wars between mafia members and also small fights between a small number of mafia members will be sanctioned with wanted 4, with the reason "WAR". Mafia members have the right to participate in wars anywhere, but department members have the right to interfere only if such actions take place inside cities. After wanted has been given, the PD/FBI/NG members have the obligation to tell them to stop, and then surrender, with the following message: "Stop the attacks and surrender!" (English) / "Opriti atacurile si predati-va!” (Romanian). If the mafia members do not stop/surrender, they will lose their right to surrender and will be killed.

! Rules which concern Namecover:

Namecover is a special command which can only be used by F.B.I. members, mostly for extreme interventions and for tracing various infractions without raising suspicion. Only rank 5+ members have acces to this command, and they can use it on other members. In using this command, the following rules will apply:

1. It is forbidden for an FBI agent to reveal his identity to a civilian / mafia member / hitman. That is why, an agent with undercover must never carry spray or armour. We will keep this command, and our operations, a secret.
2. Operations against drug trafficking and use, as well as other operations will be organized only with the consent and supervision of a rank 5+ member.
3. The names given will not be non-rp names and will not imitate certain players / leaders / admins.
4. In any drug operation, a team of at least two members will participate, and that team will have at least one rank 2+ member without undercover (hidden near-by), for the use of [/confiscate].
5. If a drug dealer or drug user refuses to get out of the car, the team member of rank 2+ can use the /frisk command on him while he's in the car, but NEVER in an abusing way.
* This privilege is NOT AVAILABLE for other situations (ex: search warrants, ordinary /frisk's).
6. It is strictly forbidden for an undercover agent to use the [/frisk] command on a suspect or abuse his identity in any way. By abuse, I mean Death-Match, bad language, etc. For this kind of abusing, that certain member will be kicked out with Faction Punish.
7. Although the rank 2+ team member is the one which handles the /frisk and /su for the drug dealer, still the undercover agent can make an SS of that /su (thus, gaining 2 points for the activity report).
!Caution: For this SS to be valid in the activity report, it must show that you are undercover and your teammate (who used the /su command) must also appear in the SS.
8. After the drug dealer / user gets his deserving wanted level, the arrest can be made by any member of that specific team, but only if none of you give away your cover.
9. An agent who is undercover is allowed to buy drugs and use them, to gain credibility. Also, the member with namecover can use NOS and Hidraulics, but never in an abusive way.
10. Undercover can also be used to give wanted to certain civilians / mafia members / hitmen who break the law, in public places. This rule is especially adressed to rank 1 members and it targets the following infractions:
- attacking a civilian (that civilian can also be you with undercover);
- stealing a vehicle; (the vehicle can also be yours while you're undercover);
- kidnapping a civilian (that civilian can also be you with undercover);
- drive-by (shot or run over);
- mafia wars inside the city;
- killing a civilian (that civilian can also be you with undercover);
You can apply these /su's while being undercover, ONLY if you follow the pattern below:
★You are undercover and you see an infraction (from the ones listed above) taking place. You must immediately (and firstly) make an SS of the infraction taking place, then give the wanted to the one who deserves it, then make an SS of the given wanted.
This pattern is meant to also help you defend yourselves in case of a complaint (because you have SS of that infraction taking place), and it also gives rank 1 members another possibility to gain points for the activity report (more details can be found in the „Rapoarte de activitate” topic).
For arrest, ask for the help of a colleague to take the suspect to jail, and after he took him to jail, if you wish to arrest him, une the [/undercover off] command (without being seen), and ask your colleague on /r to wait for you.
!Warning: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ABUSE this rule. Any abuse regarding this rule will be severely punished.
11. Agents who use undercover DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to determine other civilians (by any means) to commit any of the infractions listed in rule 10. This can also be considered abuse, and will be severely punished. They will receive wanted only if they commit those infractions on their own free will.
12. Undercover can also be used to find possible bank robbers.
13. Use [/undercover off] only if you're not seen by other players.
14. Rank 5+ members must make an SS after every /namecover given and must keep evidence of these names (must keep the SS), in case it is ever needed.

! Attention

* Bad or inappropriate language will not be tolerated during conversations with civilians. Members who use phrases such as “Mars”, “BAAA!”, “Ce vrei ba?”, “Nab” (Romanian) / “Clear off”, “What the hell do you want?”, “Noob”, “Idiot”, “U suck” (English) or insults of any kind will pe punished. PD / F.B.I. / NG are the organizations which maintain peace and impose laws, thus the members must proove their good growth and give a positive example to other players. “Colorful” language can be used only with persons / players who allow it (friends) and not in public places or when there are civilians around.

* FBI agents are obligated to take Screen Shots in the following situations::
- after an /mdc command which shows that a certain suspect doesn’t have surrender rights; (F8)
- after using the /frisk command an a suspect, whether or not they posses ilegal items.
Sus In jos
F.B.I. - Regulament general
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