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 News Reporter - Detalii live şi ziare

In jos 

Mesaje : 107
Data de înscriere : 05/05/2012
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Pe Sa:Mp

News Reporter - Detalii live şi ziare Empty
MesajSubiect: News Reporter - Detalii live şi ziare   News Reporter - Detalii live şi ziare EmptyDum Mai 06, 2012 7:48 am

Detalii live

Pentru a intra in live trebuie sa indeplinti urmatoarele conditii:
Trebuie sa aveti o cerere facuta in topicul "News Reporter - Cereri Live".
Nu trebuie sa fiti pe blacklist News Reporter.
Sa ai level 8+ .

In timpul live-ului trebuie sa respectati urmatoarele reguli:
Nu aveti voie sa folositi prescurtari / emoticons .
Nu aveti voie sa atacati / jigniti un jucator / factiune .
Nu aveti voie sa faceti glume proaste.
Trebuie sa ascultati de reporter.

Incalcarea primei reguli va duce la primirea unui avertisment, la 3 avertismente live-ul se opreste.
Incalcarea celorlalte reguli va duce la oprirea live-ului.

>>Modele live in romana:<<

Live Normal

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, langa mine se afla X. Salut X.
X: Salut B-Zone, salut NR.
NR: Ne poti da niste detalii despre tine? Level, factiune, rank?
X: Da, desigur.
X: Am level 50, fac parte din factiunea pasnica F & M Department si am rank 5.
NR: Ne poti spune de cat timp faci parte din factiunea F & M Department?
X: Absolut, 5 luni.
NR: Cum te intelegi cu cei din factiune?
X: Bine, atat cu liderul cat si cu colegii mei.
NR: Care este factiunea ta preferata?
X: F.B.I..
NR: Ne poti spune de ce?
X: Desigur. Imi place sa lucrez “undercover”.
NR: Care sunt cele mai importante moment petrecute de tine pe B-Zone?
X: Cred ca atunci cand am luat rank 5 in F & M Department, a fost cu adevarat special si in acelasi timp, important.
NR: De cat timp joci pe B-Zone?
X: De 5 luni de zile.
NR: Cum te-ai descrie in cateva cuvinte?
X: Un om serios, care stie ce vrea si are de gand sa obtina ce doreste.
NR: Ce bunuri personale ai?
X: Detin un Intruder.
NR: Ce planuri de viitor ai?
X: Sa obtin rank 6 in F & M Department.
NR: Iar acum vom trece la intrebarile din public.
NR: Cine doreste sa-i adreseze o intrebare invitatului meu, X, sa trimita un SMS la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.

(se vor pune 5-6 intrebari din public)

NR: Doresti sa mai adaugi ceva?
X: Da, conduceti cu grija.
NR: Acesta a fost interviul nostru alaturi de X, la revedere.
X: Bye.

Acest live trebuie luat in maxim 15 minute.

Live Dublu

Inaintea sa incepeti emisiunea sunteti obligati sa stabiliti ordinea in care vor raspunde invitatii!

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, langa mine se afla X si Y. Salut X, salut Y.
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ne puteti da niste detalii despre voi? Level, factiune, rank?
X: …
Y: ...
NR: Ne puteti spune de cat timp faceti parte din factiunea voastra?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Cum va intelegeti cu cei din factiune?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Care este factiunea voastra preferata?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ne puteti spune de ce?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Care sunt cele mai importante momente petrecute de voi pe B-Zone?
X: …
Y: …
NR: De cat timp jucati pe B-Zone?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ce bunuri personale aveti?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ce planuri de viitor aveti?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Iar acum vom trece la intrebarile din public.
NR: Cine doreste sa le adreseze o intrebare invitatilor mei, X si Y, sa trimita un SMS la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.

(se vor pune maxim 5-6 intrebari)

NR: Doriti sa mai adaugati ceva?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Acesta a fost interviul nostru alaturi de X si Y, la revedere.
X: …
Y: …

!: Dupa cum bine s-a observat, intrebarile din public se vor adresa cate unui invitat, pe rand.

Concurs de Popularitate

Inaintea inceperii acestui concurs trebuie alesi participantii, acestia se aleg prin /sms, se face un scurt live in care se anunta ca va avea loc un concurs de popularitate. Se da un START si primii doi care au dat /sms vor participa la concurs!

Concursul de popularitate consta in alegerea a 4 persoane care sa participe, dupa se pun intrebarile din live-ul normal. Dupa aceea se voteaza, se anunta castigatorii si inchide emisiunea.
- se aleg participantii printr-un scurt live de genul:

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, vom organiza un concurs de popularitate.
NR: Cei care doresc sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un SMS cu numele lor la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.
NR: Numai primii 4 vor fi alesi.
NR: Puteti trimite SMS-uri dupa start.
NR: Start.
NR: Cei alesi pentru concurs sunt: x, y, z, j.
NR: Acestia sunt asteptati la HQ NR la ora xx:xx.

Dupa asta va urma un live normal, doar ca in 4. Dupa ce ati pus intrebarile din model, in loc de intrebarile din public, veti face un vot, in genul asta:

NR: Iar acum trecem la momentul votului.
NR: Cine doreste sa voteze este rugat sa trimita un SMS cu numele favoritului la numarul XXX-XXXX.
NR: Veti putea vota dupa start, timp de 5 secunde.
NR: Start.

(este obligatoriu sa tineti telefonul deschis 5 secunde, nu conteaza cat spam aveti, numarati pana la 5, abia dupa puteti inchide telefonul)

Dupa asta se vor anunta castigatorii, si un numar estimativ de voturi acumulate, dupa asta se va incheia live-ul.

Acest concurs trebuie terminat in maxim 15 minute !

Emisiune speciala

Aceasta emisiune consta in oferirea unui live normal/dublu gratuit primei persoane care trimite un anumit text la un numar.

NR: Buna seara, in aceasta seara NR are pregatita o surpriza.
NR: In aceasta seara prima persoana care da SMS cu textul "X - textul poate fi ales de reporterul care organizeaza aceasta "surpriza", dar sa fie decent" la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX, primeste un live gratuit.
NR: Veti putea trimite SMS dupa ce voi anunta start-ul.
NR: Start!
NR: Cel care va beneficia in aceasta seara/zi de un live gratuit este X.
NR: X este asteptat la HQ NR, multumim tuturor celor care au trimis SMS!

Dupa aceasta prima parte va avea loc un live normal, doar ca, gratuit!
Acesta "emisiune" poate fi organizata de orice reporter cu rank mai mare de 3, insa are nevoie de aprobarea liderului! Cine face fara aprobarea liderului risca sa suporte sanctiuni cuprinse intre rank down - demitere!
Fiecare rank 3+ are dreptul sa ma intrebe o singura data pe zi daca are voie sa faca aceasta emisiune, dupa, mai are voie abia urmatoarea zi. Norocosul care primestei accept-ul meu, poate face emisiunea.

Concurs de cultura generala SA:MP

Acest concurs este asemanator cu cel de popularitate, avand la baza acelasi sistem: alegerea a patru participanti, anuntarea acestora si inceperea concursului la HQ NR.

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, vom organiza un concurs de cultura generala.
NR: Cei care doresc sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un SMS cu numele lor la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.
NR: Numai primii 4 vor fi alesi.
NR: Puteti trimite SMS-uri dupa start.
NR: Start.
NR: Cei alesi pentru concurs sunt: x, y, z, j.
NR: Acestia sunt asteptati la HQ NR la ora xx:xx.

Apoi incepe concursul de cultura generala, cu intrebari strict legate de SA:MP.
Va exista un program saptamanal, la fel ca si in cazul concursului de popularitate. Doar membrii rank 4+ il pot organiza. Acestia au obligatia sa-si pregateasca intrebarile inainte de inceperea concursului, iar intrebarile nu trebuie sa fie vagi, trebuiesc formulate cat mai clar posibil si cu o posibilitate cat mai ridicata de cunoastere a raspunsului.

Cum va fi structurat? Simplu: Sunt 4 participanti, li se vor pune cate 3 intrebari de fiecare, fiecare raspuns corect valorand 1 punct, timpul de raspuns fiind de 10 secunde. Astfel ca trebuie sa aveti minim 12 intrebari pregatite.
Daca exista egalitate la finalul celor 12 intrebari, se merge intr-o proba de baraj care consta in adresarea unui cuvant (Ex. "reporter") - cuvantul trebuie sa fie legat de SA:MP, desigur - iar fiecare concurent trebuie sa formuleze o propozitie cat mai elaborata si bine structurata. Iar de aici puteti alege un castigator.

Nu sunteti obligati sa organizati concursul atunci cand este ziua voastra pentru a o face.
Sunteti obligati sa stiti raspunsurile la intrebarile pe care le adresati.
Inscrierea la concurs costa tot $250.000, iar premiul va fi de $500.000, astfel ca voi veti beneficia de jumatate din banii pentru inscrieri.
Nu incercati sa trageti participantii pe sfoara, in cazul in care apar plangeri cum ca ati indraznit sa faceti asa ceva riscati sanctiuni de la rank-down pana la demitere din NR.
De fiecare data cand adresati o intrebare, numarati cele 10 secunde, iar apoi opriti timpul de gandire si treceti la urmatorul concurent / urmatoarea intrebare.
Toate intrebarile trebuie sa fie legate de SA:MP / B-Zone.

>> Modele in engleza: <<
Normal live:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone! Next to me is Player. Hi, Player!
Player: -
NR: Could you give us a few details about yourself, like your level, faction and rank there?
Player: -
NR: Could you tell us for how long have you've a member of [faction]?
Player: -
NR: How do you get along with your faction collegues?
Player: -
NR: Which is your favorite faction?
Player: -
NR: Could you tell us why?
Player: -
NR: Which are the most important moments you have spent here, on B-Zone?
Player: -
NR: For how long have you been playing SA:MP on B-Zone?
Player: -
NR: How would you describe yourself in a few words?
Player: -
NR: What personal goods do you have?
Player: -
NR: Which are your plans regarding the future on this server?
Player: -
NR: Now it's time for some questions from our public. Do you agree?
Player: -
NR: If you want to ask my guest a question, send it in an [/sms] at xxx-xxxx.
(You ask 4 or 5 questions from the public, then move on. If no question is good enough to be presented, you can improvise.)

NR: Those were the questions from our public. Would you like to tell us anything else?
Player: -
NR: This has been our interview with Player. Have a nice day B-Zone, goodbye Player.
Player: -

2 persons live:

NR: Hello B-Zone. Next to me are X and Y. Hi, guys.
Players: -
NR: Can you give us a few details about yourselves? Level, faction and rank?
Players: -
NR: Can you tell us for how long have you been members of [Faction] ?
Players: -
NR: How do you get along with your faction collegues?
Players: -
NR: Which faction is your favorite?
Players: -
NR: Can you tell us why?
Players: -
NR: Which are the most important moments you have spent here, on B-Zone?
Players: -
NR: For how long have you been playing SA:MP on B-Zone?
Players: -
NR: What personal goods do you have?
Players: -
NR: Which are your plans regarding the future?
Players: -
NR: And now it's time to receive some questions from the audience. Are you okay with that?
Players: -

(You ask 4 or 5 questions from the public, then move on. If no question is good enough to be presented, you can improvise.)

NR: If you want to ask my guests any question, you can send it in an [/sms] at xxx-xxxx.
Players: -
NR: Would you like to tell us anything else?
Players: -
NR: This has been our interview with X and Y. Have a nice day B-Zone, goodbye guys!
Players: -

Popularity contest:

Before starting this contest, you need to choose 4 participants for it. This will be done by askng the players from the server to send you and sms with their name in it. The first 4 to have sent the sms will be chosen as participants of the competition:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today we will organise a popularity contest.
NR: Those who wish to participate can send an [/sms] at XXX-XXXX with their name.
NR: Only the first 4 to have sent the sms will participate.
NR: You can send an [/sms] after the START.
NR: Those chosen to participate in our contest are x, y, z, t.
NR: We await them at the NR HQ at xx:xx.

After this, the competition will develop as a normal live, but with 4 participants at it. When reaching the questions from the public part, you will replace that with the voting session:

NR: And now it's time to receive your votes.
NR: Who wants to vote for their favourite participant can do it by sending an [/sms] with their name at XXX-XXXX.
NR: You can vote after the START, for 5 seconds.

(It's necessary that you keep your phone on for voting for minimum 5 seconds, no matter how much spam you get. Count to 5 then turn off your phone)

After the votes are counted, you will announce the winners and then finish the competition.

This competition should take an amount of 20 minutes.

Free show:

This live stands in a normal live, but which is free. The player will be chosen as following:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today NR has a surprise for you.
NR: The first person to send us a [/sms] with the text "X - the text can be chosen by each reporter, but it has to be decent" at XXX-XXXX, will receive a free live.
NR: You can send an sms after the START.
NR: The one chosen for this live is X.
NR: We await X at our HQ at xx:xx. Thanks for your time!

After the participant is chosen, the show will go on following the normal live model.
This show can be made by each rank 3+ member, only once a day and only with my permission. So each rank 3+ can ask me once a day if they can organise the show.
If you are caught making a show without my permission you could suffer consequences between rank down and dismission from NR.

SA:MP General culture competition

This competition is very much like the popularity contest: you need to choose 4 participants, announce them and then start the contest at our HQ.

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today we will organise a popularity contest.
NR: Those who wish to participate can send an [/sms] at XXX-XXXX with their name.
NR: Only the first 4 to have sent the sms will participate.
NR: You can send an [/sms] after the START.
NR: Those chosen to participate in our contest are x, y, z, t.
NR: We await them at the NR HQ at xx:xx.

The you start the contest, with questions referring strictly to SA:MP.
The contest will be once / day and will be taken by rank 4+ members, just like in the popularity contest's case. When it's your turn to organise the contest, you need to formulate your questions before announcing the competition. The questions need to be easy to understand, with answers pretty much thinkable (not very hard).
How will it be structured? Simple: There will be 4 participants, you will ask 3 questions / participant (this means you have to prepapre 12 questions), with a thinking time of 10 seconds. If there's a tie at the end of the 12 questions, then you will have a tie breaker, in which you will say a word (Ex. "reporter") and each player has to formulate an elaborate and creative sentence using that word. And then you pick your winner.

You are not forced to organise the contest when it's your time to do it.
You must know the answers to the questions you want to ask.
Participation price is still $250.000, and the prize will be $500.000, so you get to keep half the money from the participants.
Don't try to fool your participants, if any reclamations are made regarding this, you risk punishments from rank-down to dismission from NR.
Every time you ask a question, you wait (count) 10 seconds, and then the thinking time's up. You move to the next participant / next question.
All the questions must refer strictly to SA:MP / B-Zone.

Foarte IMPORTANT: Atunci cand factiunea recruteaza, fiecare reporter are obligatia sa anunte la sfarsitul liveului ca NR recruteaza.

Invitatul: La revedere B-Zone, salut NR.
NR: Va reamintesc ca News Reporter recruteaza, cei interesati sa aplice pe forum (minim level 5).
NR: La revedere.

Cine este prins ca NU face acest lucru risca FW.

Detalii ziare

Mereu au existat intrebari legate de ziare, cum se face un ziar, ce trebuie sa contina un ziar, urmatoarele randuri ar trebui sa elucideze aceste "mistere".

Regulament privitor la redactarea unui ziar:
Inainte de a face un ziar aveti nevoie de aprobarea unui rank 4+.
Titlul ziarului trebuie sa fie explicit, in principal despre subiectul ziarului.
Ziarul sa fie redactat fara greseli gramaticale/greseli de scriere.
In cazul in care ati gresit o litera (UNA SINGURA) veti reface ziarul, iar ziarul gresit o sa fi sters de un rank 4 (aveti obligatia sa anuntati ca ziarul numarul x este gresit).
Dupa terminarea ziarului aveti nevoie de aprobarea unui rank 4+ pentru a putea merge sa-l vindeti.

Ziarele pot sa fie despre urmatoarele subiecte:
Stiri generale.
Tutorial redactare ziar:



Live details

In order to be taken a live you have to respect the following things:
You must have a live request made in the "News Reporter - Cereri live" topic.
You mustn't be on the News Reporter blacklist.
You must have level 8+.
During the live session you must respect the following rules:
You cannot use emoticons or abreviations.
You cannot insult or attack any player or faction.
You cannot make stupid jokes.
You must listen to the reporter who's taking your live all the time.
Breaking the first rule will lead to an advertisment, at 3 advertisments the live will be stopped.
Breaking the other rules will lead to the instant stop of the live.

>>Live models in english:<<

Normal live:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone! Next to me is Player. Hi, Player!
Player: -
NR: Could you give us a few details about yourself, like your level, faction and rank there?
Player: -
NR: Could you tell us for how long have you've a member of [faction]?
Player: -
NR: How do you get along with your faction collegues?
Player: -
NR: Which is your favorite faction?
Player: -
NR: Could you tell us why?
Player: -
NR: Which are the most important moments you have spent here, on B-Zone?
Player: -
NR: For how long have you been playing SA:MP on B-Zone?
Player: -
NR: How would you describe yourself in a few words?
Player: -
NR: What personal goods do you have?
Player: -
NR: Which are your plans regarding the future on this server?
Player: -
NR: Now it's time for some questions from our public. Do you agree?
Player: -
NR: If you want to ask my guest a question, send it in an [/sms] at xxx-xxxx.
(You ask 4 or 5 questions from the public, then move on. If no question is good enough to be presented, you can improvise.)

NR: Those were the questions from our public. Would you like to tell us anything else?
Player: -
NR: This has been our interview with Player. Have a nice day B-Zone, goodbye Player.
Player: -

Double live:

Before starting the live you need to establish the order the players will answer your questions.

NR: Hello B-Zone. Next to me are X and Y. Hi, guys.
Players: -
NR: Can you give us a few details about yourselves? Level, faction and rank?
Players: -
NR: Can you tell us for how long have you been members of [Faction] ?
Players: -
NR: How do you get along with your faction collegues?
Players: -
NR: Which faction is your favorite?
Players: -
NR: Can you tell us why?
Players: -
NR: Which are the most important moments you have spent here, on B-Zone?
Players: -
NR: For how long have you been playing SA:MP on B-Zone?
Players: -
NR: What personal goods do you have?
Players: -
NR: Which are your plans regarding the future?
Players: -
NR: And now it's time to receive some questions from the audience. Are you okay with that?
Players: -

(You ask 4 or 5 questions from the public, then move on. If no question is good enough to be presented, you can improvise. Each question will be posted to each player, one at a time.)

NR: If you want to ask my guests any question, you can send it in an [/sms] at xxx-xxxx.
Players: -
NR: Would you like to tell us anything else?
Players: -
NR: This has been our interview with X and Y. Have a nice day B-Zone, goodbye guys!
Players: -

Popularity contest:

Before starting this contest, you need to choose 4 participants for it. This will be done by askng the players from the server to send you and sms with their name in it. The first 4 to have sent the sms will be chosen as participants of the competition:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today we will organise a popularity contest.
NR: Those who wish to participate can send an [/sms] at XXX-XXXX with their name.
NR: Only the first 4 to have sent the sms will participate.
NR: You can send an [/sms] after the START.
NR: Those chosen to participate in our contest are x, y, z, t.
NR: We await them at the NR HQ at xx:xx.

After this, the competition will develop as a normal live, but with 4 participants at it. When reaching the questions from the public part, you will replace that with the voting session:

NR: And now it's time to receive your votes.
NR: Who wants to vote for their favourite participant can do it by sending an [/sms] with their name at XXX-XXXX.
NR: You can vote after the START, for 5 seconds.

(It's necessary that you keep your phone on for voting for minimum 5 seconds, no matter how much spam you get. Count to 5 then turn off your phone)

After the votes are counted, you will announce the winners and then finish the competition.

This competition should take an amount of 20 minutes.

Free show:

This live stands in a normal live, but which is free. The player will be chosen as following:

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today NR has a surprise for you.
NR: The first person to send us a [/sms] with the text "X - the text can be chosen by each reporter, but it has to be decent" at XXX-XXXX, will receive a free live.
NR: You can send an sms after the START.
NR: The one chosen for this live is X.
NR: We await X at our HQ at xx:xx. Thanks for your time!

After the participant is chosen, the show will go on following the normal live model.
This show can be made by each rank 3+ member, only once a day and only with my permission. So each rank 3+ can ask me once a day if they can organise the show.
If you are caught making a show without my permission you could suffer consequences between rank down and dismission from NR.

SA:MP General culture competition

This competition is very much like the popularity contest: you need to choose 4 participants, announce them and then start the contest at our HQ.

NR: Greetings, B-Zone, today we will organise a popularity contest.
NR: Those who wish to participate can send an [/sms] at XXX-XXXX with their name.
NR: Only the first 4 to have sent the sms will participate.
NR: You can send an [/sms] after the START.
NR: Those chosen to participate in our contest are x, y, z, t.
NR: We await them at the NR HQ at xx:xx.

The you start the contest, with questions referring strictly to SA:MP.
The contest will be once / day and will be taken by rank 4+ members, just like in the popularity contest's case. When it's your turn to organise the contest, you need to formulate your questions before announcing the competition. The questions need to be easy to understand, with answers pretty much thinkable (not very hard).
How will it be structured? Simple: There will be 4 participants, you will ask 3 questions / participant (this means you have to prepapre 12 questions), with a thinking time of 10 seconds. If there's a tie at the end of the 12 questions, then you will have a tie breaker, in which you will say a word (Ex. "reporter") and each player has to formulate an elaborate and creative sentence using that word. And then you pick your winner.

You are not forced to organise the contest when it's your time to do it.
You must know the answers to the questions you want to ask.
Participation price is still $250.000, and the prize will be $500.000, so you get to keep half the money from the participants.
Don't try to fool your participants, if any reclamations are made regarding this, you risk punishments from rank-down to dismission from NR.
Every time you ask a question, you wait (count) 10 seconds, and then the thinking time's up. You move to the next participant / next question.
All the questions must refer strictly to SA:MP / B-Zone.

>>Live models in romanian:<<

Normal live:

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, langa mine se afla X. Salut X.
X: Salut B-Zone, salut NR.
NR: Ne poti da niste detalii despre tine? Level, factiune, rank?
X: Da, desigur.
X: Am level 50, fac parte din factiunea pasnica F & M Department si am rank 5.
NR: Ne poti spune de cat timp faci parte din factiunea F & M Department?
X: Absolut, 5 luni.
NR: Cum te intelegi cu cei din factiune?
X: Bine, atat cu liderul cat si cu colegii mei.
NR: Care este factiunea ta preferata?
X: F.B.I..
NR: Ne poti spune de ce?
X: Desigur. Imi place sa lucrez “undercover”.
NR: Care sunt cele mai importante moment petrecute de tine pe B-Zone?
X: Cred ca atunci cand am luat rank 5 in F & M Department, a fost cu adevarat special si in acelasi timp, important.
NR: De cat timp joci pe B-Zone?
X: De 5 luni de zile.
NR: Cum te-ai descrie in cateva cuvinte?
X: Un om serios, care stie ce vrea si are de gand sa obtina ce doreste.
NR: Ce bunuri personale ai?
X: Detin un Intruder.
NR: Ce planuri de viitor ai?
X: Sa obtin rank 6 in F & M Department.
NR: Iar acum vom trece la intrebarile din public.
NR: Cine doreste sa-i adreseze o intrebare invitatului meu, X, sa trimita un SMS la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.

(there will be 5-6 questions from the public)

NR: Doresti sa mai adaugi ceva?
X: Da, conduceti cu grija.
NR: Acesta a fost interviul nostru alaturi de X, la revedere.
X: Bye.

This live should take about 15 minutes.

Double live:

Before starting the live you need to establish the order the players will answer your questions.

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, langa mine se afla X si Y. Salut X, salut Y.
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ne puteti da niste detalii despre voi? Level, factiune, rank?
X: …
Y: ...
NR: Ne puteti spune de cat timp faceti parte din factiunea voastra?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Cum va intelegeti cu cei din factiune?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Care este factiunea voastra preferata?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ne puteti spune de ce?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Care sunt cele mai importante momente petrecute de voi pe B-Zone?
X: …
Y: …
NR: De cat timp jucati pe B-Zone?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ce bunuri personale aveti?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Ce planuri de viitor aveti?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Iar acum vom trece la intrebarile din public.
NR: Cine doreste sa le adreseze o intrebare invitatilor mei, X si Y, sa trimita un SMS la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.

(there will be 5-6 questions from the public)

NR: Doriti sa mai adaugati ceva?
X: …
Y: …
NR: Acesta a fost interviul nostru alaturi de X si Y, la revedere.
X: …
Y: …

!: As you can see, the questions will be posted to each player, one at a time.

Popularity contest:

Before starting this contest, you need to choose 4 participants for it. This will be done by askng the players from the server to send you and sms with their name in it. The first 4 to have sent the sms will be chosen as participants of the competition:

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, vom organizia un concurs de popularitate.
NR: Cei care doresc sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un SMS cu numele lor la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.
NR: Numai primii 4 vor fi alesi.
NR: Puteti trimite SMS-uri dupa start.
NR: Start.
NR: Cei alesi pentru concurs sunt: x, y, z, j.
NR: Acestia sunt asteptati la HQ NR la ora xx:xx.

After this, the competition will develop as a normal live, but with 4 participants at it. When reaching the questions from the public part, you will replace that with the voting session:

NR: Iar acum trecem la momentul votului.
NR: Cine doreste sa voteze este rugat sa trimita un SMS cu numele favoritului la numarul XXX-XXXX.
NR: Veti putea vota dupa start, timp de 5 secunde.
NR: Start.

(It's necessary that you keep your phone on for voting for minimum 5 seconds, no matter how much spam you get. Count to 5 then turn off your phone)

After the votes are counted, you will announce the winners and then finish the competition.

This competition should take an amount of 20 minutes.

Free show:

This live stands in a normal live, but which is free. The player will be chosen as following:

NR: Buna seara, in aceasta seara NR are pregatita o surpriza.
NR: In aceasta seara prima persoana care da SMS cu textul "X - textul poate fi ales de reporterul care organizeaza aceasta "surpriza", dar sa fie decent" la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX, primeste un live gratuit.
NR: Veti putea trimite SMS dupa ce voi anunta start-ul.
NR: Start!
NR: Cel care va beneficia in aceasta seara/zi de un live gratuit este X.
NR: X este asteptat la HQ NR, multumim tuturor celor care au trimis SMS!

After the participant is chosen, the show will go on following the normal live model.
This show can be made by each rank 3+ member, only once a day and only with my permission. So each rank 3+ can ask me once a day if they can organise the show.
If you are caught making a show without my permission you could suffer consequences between rank down and dismission from NR.

SA:MP General culture competition

This competition is very much like the popularity contest: you need to choose 4 participants, announce them and then start the contest at our HQ.

NR: Buna ziua B-Zone, vom organizia un concurs de popularitate.
NR: Cei care doresc sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un SMS cu numele lor la numarul de telefon XXX-XXXX.
NR: Numai primii 4 vor fi alesi.
NR: Puteti trimite SMS-uri dupa start.
NR: Start.
NR: Cei alesi pentru concurs sunt: x, y, z, j.
NR: Acestia sunt asteptati la HQ NR la ora xx:xx.

The you start the contest, with questions referring strictly to SA:MP.
The contest will be once / day and will be taken by rank 4+ members, just like in the popularity contest's case. When it's your turn to organise the contest, you need to formulate your questions before announcing the competition. The questions need to be easy to understand, with answers pretty much thinkable (not very hard).

How will it be structured? Simple: There will be 4 participants, you will ask 3 questions / participant (this means you have to prepapre 12 questions), with a thinking time of 10 seconds. If there's a tie at the end of the 12 questions, then you will have a tie breaker, in which you will say a word (Ex. "reporter") and each player has to formulate an elaborate and creative sentence using that word. And then you pick your winner.

You are not forced to organise the contest when it's your time to do it.
You must know the answers to the questions you want to ask.
Participation price is still $250.000, and the prize will be $500.000, so you get to keep half the money from the participants.
Don't try to fool your participants, if any reclamations are made regarding this, you risk punishments from rank-down to dismission from NR.
Every time you ask a question, you wait (count) 10 seconds, and then the thinking time's up. You move to the next participant / next question.
All the questions must refer strictly to SA:MP / B-Zone.

Very important: When News Reporter is recruiting, the reporter taking a live has the obligation to announce the public that we're recruiting, at the end of the live, like in the exmplae below:

Player: Goodbye, B-Zone, bye NR.
NR: We remind you that News Reporter is recruiting members, minimum level 5. Good luck!
NR: Goodbye.

Whoever gets caught not respecting this request risks a FW.

Newspapers details

There's always been questions about the newspapers, we hope that the following lines could help you with this "mistery".

Rules when writing a newspaper:
Before writing a newspaper you need the approval of a rank 4+.
The title of the newspaper has to be explicit, about the paper's subject.
The newspaper must be writen without any grammar mistakes or typing mistakes.
In case you mistake one word or one letter, you have to tell a rank 4+ to delete your newspaper (/testpaper x) and then you have to rewrite your newspaper.
After finishing your newspaper, you must ask a rank 4+ to check it and then you can ask for his approval to go sell it.

Newspapers can be about the following subjects:

General news, regarding the server;
Funny facts etc.

Tutorial for writing a newspaper:


Writting a newspaper isn't a big scheme at all. It's a very simple job, yet I've taken the time to make this small tutorial for your own good.

If you want to write a newspaper you have to go to the "i" near the NR HQ. When you get there, you write /paper write x (x representing the number of your newspaper, from 1 to 10).

Once you do that, a message will appear on the chat to let you know that everything you will write from now on will appear in your newspaper. You can write a maximum of 7 lines, but first you have to type in the paper's title.

Now you can write your text; this will be included the paper's body. Always pay attention to the lenght of your lines, altough it may seems that the text fits in the chat bar, it may not fit in the paper's line. Always make sure to write small sentences, straight to the subject.

At the end you will be announced that you've finished writting your paper's body, once you finish the seventh line (just like in the picture above). Now you can read your newspaper by typing /testpaper x (x representing the number of your newspaper).

Good luck with your newspapers!
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News Reporter - Detalii live şi ziare
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